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Do – Overview

After gaining a thorough understanding of the situation and completing the planning process, the next step towards successful negotiation is to implement the PDCA model for quality improvement during the actual negotiations.

A few key points include:

The initial meeting is often the first negotiation event. Prior conversations and research should have been done to avoid any surprises regarding the purpose of the meeting. Depending on the culture and company, this meeting might either be a “meet and greet” or the start of negotiations. It is important to consider the relationship between parties. The agenda should have already been agreed upon, including the time and topics to be discussed. At the start of negotiations, it’s crucial to reiterate the schedule, planned breaks, and manage time effectively. If the initial meeting is part of a series of meetings, make sure to remind everyone respectfully. Negotiations should not continue beyond the scheduled time or when people are tired, emotional, or lose focus. The agenda may not have explicitly stated the order of discussion, so be prepared to discuss the topics as listed or mutually agree on a more suitable sequence.


When negotiating, some people prefer to tackle difficult topics first before moving on to easier ones, while others prefer to start with the easier topics to establish a foundation. If you have already ranked the topics in the planning phase, it’s a good idea to ask the other party if they have a preference. This shows flexibility and may even be perceived as a kind gesture, potentially encouraging the other party to reciprocate. However, it’s important to approach this early discussion in good faith, rather than as a negotiating tactic.

During negotiations, taking brief breaks can be helpful for both parties to regroup and assess progress before moving on to the next step. Depending on the scope and complexity of the negotiation, an additional session may be needed to reach an agreement. Before ending the meeting, it’s important to create a summary of progress and gaps, as well as determining the next steps, including a timeline.

In the PDCA quality improvement process, the “Do” step involves conducting a pilot test on a smaller scale to verify results before moving forward.


Pilot Test – A test before final acceptance of a new business system using a subset of data with engineered cases and documented results.



In negotiations, a similar logic of a pilot test applies, especially for negotiations for substantial amounts, substantial risks or longer time periods.

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