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SAP Ariba Contracts

Fast and paper-free contract management is possible. Start saving time and money with centralized storage and automation.
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Automated contract management smooths the contract lifecycle

Contracts are complicated enough. It’s time to cut the manual, paper-based processes that slow down your business. Digitalize everything from contract requests, authoring, and workflows to negotiation, approval, and execution for lower costs and improved relationships.

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SAP Ariba Contracts Software

The SAP Ariba Contracts solution creates a single integrated view of contract data and standardizes related processes, helping your business realize negotiated savings, identify opportunities, pinpoint leakages, and much more.

  • Cloud Deployment
  • Powerful search and reporting features
  • Real-time monitoring of spend history and compliance
  • Comprehensive contract process workflow with a full audit trail

Benefits of SAP Ariba Contracts

Increase revenue and reduce costs

Identify revenue opportunities, prevent contract leakage, renew contracts on time, and save on shipping by using e-signatures.

Realize negotiated savings

Negotiate best-value agreements with timely approval and connect with suppliers throughout the contract process to improve efficiencies and lower costs.

Enable stronger compliance

Bring more spend into compliance and stay informed about off-contract activity with controlled processes, automated tracking, and a full audit trail.

Features of SAP Ariba Contracts

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SAP Ariba Contracts Software Features
Centralized contract repository
  • Keep better track of contracts with secure electronic storage and search tools for access on demand
  • Lower the risk of missed deliverables or milestones
  • Detect nonstandard or redundant contracts automatically
Preapproved templates and a clause library
  • Create contracts quickly and accelerate negotiation with ease and control
  • Handle all types of agreements, including procurement, sales, and internal contracts
Real-time monitoring
  • Get advance reminders of key milestone dates for your contracts
  • Receive notification when a preapproved contract format or language is modified
  • Control nonstandard agreements and stay informed about off-contract activity with automated tracking and a full audit trail

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