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Training for Outcomes

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“The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.” – Sean Gerety – Executive Director, National Right to Work Committee

Technology indeed propels progress, but its value is not in its complex inner workings. Tech brings value when it enables human experiences.

Sean Gerety’s insightful quote above gets at this idea so well. That’s the essence of “training for outcomes” – a perspective shift that stops viewing training as a flat, knowledge-transfer exercise, and instead treats business education as a dimensional, strategic catalyst to drive results.

In the world of enterprise software, mistaking a glossy technology’s capabilities with end user competencies is all too common. A training-for-outcomes mentality helps avoid that error.


The Imperative of Purpose-Driven Training

Traditional training approaches tend to focus on sharing knowledge without connections to practical business goals – or even without bothering to track whether end users master the concepts.

Numerous studies, including research by the National Center on the Educational Quality of the Workforce (EQW), highlight the direct correlation between workforce education levels and productivity gains – a 10% increase in education can lead to an 8.6% boost in overall productivity.

Crafting a Roadmap for Success

To unleash the full potential of training for outcomes, organizations must carefully design processes that interweave training initiatives with their strategic goals:

  1. Needs Assessment: Identify the specific skill and knowledge gaps training should address, ensuring alignment with the organization’s objectives.
  2. Curriculum Design: Tailor the curriculum to bridge the identified gaps, striking a balance between informational depth and practical relevance, enhancing the training’s applicability.
  3. Delivery Methods: Embrace a hybrid approach, blending traditional methods with digital platforms, catering to diverse learning styles and needs.
  4. Evaluation and Feedback: Post-training evaluations are crucial to measuring the program’s efficacy. They use various metrics to assess knowledge transfer and its impact on performance.

Data: The Guiding Light

Data is pivotal in optimizing training effectiveness, offering necessary insights, and informing continuous improvement. These are crucial processes:

  1. Training Analytics: Utilize analytics to assess the impact of training programs, focusing on metrics like completion rates and assessment scores to refine the training approach.
  2. Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitor post-training performance to gauge the application of learned skills in real-world scenarios.
  3. Iterative Improvement: Use data-driven insights to iteratively enhance the training content and methodologies, ensuring they remain aligned with evolving business needs.

Technology: The Enabler

The good news is that technological advancements in the learning sector can support our training for outcomes. Learning Management Systems, e-learning platforms, and AI-driven adaptive learning paths personalize and align the learning experience with individual and organizational goals. But once again, acquiring a shiny object is not the objective. Select tools with the end of your colleagues’ needs and abilities in mind.

Cultivating a Culture of Continuous Learning

The organizational culture around business learning is critical and has a massive influence on training engagement. A culture that prioritizes continuous learning and knowledge sharing and views training as a critical driver of success is rare. But is the foundation for end-user success with new concepts.

This posture of constant professional development must be modeled at all levels of the organization. Leaders are indeed learners. The team must have structured time to encounter new ideas, and clear performance goals linked to training-guided changes in work behavior.

The Path to Success

Training for outcomes is a strategic imperative that aligns training efforts with organizational objectives, driving success. Organizations can enhance user competence and achieve desired outcomes by crafting well-designed processes, leveraging data-driven insights, integrating technology, and fostering a supportive culture.

In an era of continuous evolution and competition, the ability to effectively train and develop competencies is not merely an advantage but a necessity, paving the way for sustainable growth and success.

Balancing Act: Aligning Procurement Strategy with Overall Business Objectives

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Aligning procurement strategy with overall business objectives has become a cornerstone for achieving sustainable growth and competitiveness.

This ensures that procurement activities not only contribute to cost savings but also support broader business goals, such as risk management, innovation, and operational efficiency.


The Imperative of Strategic Alignment

The alignment of procurement with the overarching goals of an organization is crucial.

In 2024, procurement departments face the challenge of contributing to tasks like supply chain risk management, cost avoidance, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives.

Procurement strategies must be tailored to support the goals set by executive leadership and reflect the key objectives outlined in the organization’s annual statements.

This involves setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) objectives and ensuring that these objectives are specific and measurable over time, covering areas such as supply chain risk management, cost savings, business process improvements, and ESG goals.

This approach demonstrates the procurement department’s value to the organization and ensures the procurement function is in sync with the larger business strategy.


Harnessing Digital Transformation

Digitalization has become a pivotal factor in modern procurement strategies.

Digital procurement solutions, such as digital-tendering, heat maps, and e-catalogs, are transforming the way procurement departments handle non-critical items like C-Parts and tail spend.

These tools aid in reducing complexity, improving transparency, and enhancing the efficiency of procurement processes. For example, using digital tendering solutions can simplify the tender process, enabling procurement departments to handle a larger volume of items efficiently, leading to significant cost savings.

Similarly, digital tools like e-sourcing platforms and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can accelerate sourcing and purchasing processes, thereby increasing the pace of procurement operations.


Aligning with Business Goals

Procurement must align not only with enterprise-level strategies but also with specific functional strategies such as finance, IT, and people strategies. This involves understanding the current business phase, whether it’s growth or consolidation, and aligning procurement activities to support these phases.

For instance, aligning with the IT strategy is crucial, especially during times of technological transformation in the procurement function.

Similarly, understanding the organization’s people strategy can help in planning the expansion of the procurement team in alignment with the overall business objectives.


The Multi-Faceted Benefits of Strategic Procurement

Strategic procurement goes beyond cost-cutting; it’s about creating value across the supply chain.

By implementing strategic procurement, businesses can achieve cost savings, improved supplier relationships, enhanced risk management, increased efficiency, innovation, and value creation, and focus on sustainability.

This multifaceted approach enables businesses to operate more effectively in complex environments, optimizing their operations and staying agile.


Risk Management and Innovation

Risk management and fostering innovation are critical aspects of strategic procurement.

Developing strong relationships with suppliers and involving them early in the product development process can mitigate risks such as supply chain disruptions and foster innovation by tapping into suppliers’ expertise.

This collaborative approach not only minimizes operational disruptions but also ensures timely delivery of goods or services while maintaining high-quality standards.

Strategic procurement positions organizations to stay ahead of the competition by effectively managing risks and encouraging creativity and knowledge sharing between all parties involved.


Implementing Strategic Procurement

Implementing strategic procurement involves assessing current processes, setting clear objectives, developing a comprehensive sourcing strategy, building strong supplier relationships, leveraging technology, and tracking performance metrics.

These steps ensure that procurement strategies are effectively aligned with business goals, leading to improved operational efficiency and long-term success.


Aligning procurement strategy with overall business objectives is not just a matter of operational necessity; it’s a strategic imperative that can drive significant business success.

 By embracing a holistic approach to procurement, organizations can navigate the complexities of today’s business environment, achieving cost savings, fostering innovation, and ensuring sustainable growth.


venture capital and procurement

Protecting Your Investment: The Role of Procure-to-Pay Solutions in Venture Capital Success

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In speaking with countless VC and other investment groups, the same question comes up every time, “What can I do to protect the success of my investment?”. 

It’s a world rife with risk, no doubt – but also major returns.  To understand where one can find balance and a sense of security, let’s dig in.


The High-Risk Nature of Venture Capital Investments

Data from PitchBook revealed that approximately 3,200 venture-backed firms in the U.S. have closed their doors, with these startups having raised a staggering $27.2 billion.

This figure underscores the inherent risks associated with venture capital investments, where the failure rate is high, and the financial stakes are even higher.

While many investments fail, the success of a few can offset these losses and generate significant returns. This balance of risk and reward is a fundamental aspect of the venture capital model.

However, beyond the allure of potential high returns lies the critical issue of investment risk management.

Market, operational, technology, and financial risks pervade venture capital investments, with factors like market changes, product or service relevance, competition, and the startup team’s capabilities significantly influencing the success or failure of these investments.

The Importance of Operational Risk Management and Due Diligence

Operational risks, in particular, highlight the importance of effective spend management within the invested companies. An incomplete management team or a startup lacking in operational experience and focus can lead to poor financial management, including inefficient spend management. This inefficiency not only jeopardizes the startup’s success but also the VC’s investment.

To navigate these risks, venture capital firms employ comprehensive due diligence processes. These processes aim to evaluate the financial stability, market position, legal compliance, and operational capabilities of potential investments. The goal is to identify and mitigate risks, including those associated with poor spend management, before they can impact the return on investment.

The Challenge of Spend Management in Startups

Spend management is a critical operational component that often gets overlooked in the fast-paced environment of startups. However, the consequences of neglecting this area can be dire.

Ineffective spend management can lead to uncontrolled expenses, wasted resources, and ultimately, financial instability. This not only affects the startup’s growth potential but also exposes the venture capital firm to greater financial risk.

The Solution: Procure-to-Pay Systems

Enter procure-to-pay solutions like SAP Ariba™ Buying and Invoicing. These systems act as a safeguard for venture capital investments, ensuring that the funds are utilized efficiently and effectively. Procure-to-pay systems streamline the purchasing process, from procurement to payment, enhancing transparency and control over expenditures.

How SAP Ariba Can Protect VC Investments

1. Enhanced Spend Visibility: SAP Ariba provides a clear view of a company’s spending activities, enabling better financial planning and analysis. This visibility helps VCs ensure that their investments are being managed wisely, with funds allocated to strategic areas that drive growth and value.

2. Controlled Procurement Processes: By standardizing procurement processes, SAP Ariba reduces the risk of maverick spending and ensures compliance with financial policies. This control is crucial for startups, where every dollar spent needs to contribute to the company’s strategic objectives.

3. Efficient Workflow and Approval Processes: The automated workflow and approval processes in SAP Ariba reduce the time and effort required to manage purchases. This efficiency prevents bottlenecks and ensures that funds are deployed rapidly and effectively in areas where they are needed most.

4. Strategic Supplier Management: SAP Ariba’s Business Network consists of over 10M vendors, turning every purchase into an opportunity for savings and efficiency. This strategic vendor management helps in negotiating better terms, improving supply chain reliability, and reducing costs.

5. Risk Mitigation: This isn’t just about saving a few dollars; it’s about setting a standard for financial diligence that protects your investment at every turn.


By implementing a robust procure-to-pay solution like SAP Ariba, venture capital firms can significantly reduce the financial risks associated with their investments.

These systems ensure that the startups they invest in have the tools and processes needed to manage their finances effectively, thereby safeguarding the investment and maximizing the potential for a successful return.



To learn more about how SAP Ariba™ solutions can provide insurance on your investment, click here.

Procurement Transformation Webinar

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Digital transformation stands as a pivotal shift, reshaping how organizations handle growth and optimize operations.

PREMIKATI brought together industry leaders to share their experiences and insights on this journey, particularly focusing on the implementation and optimization of SAP Ariba.

Click below to watch the video

Highlights and Key Takeaways:


The Journey Begins: Ascend Elements and the SAP Ariba Onboarding Experience

Rodrigo Almeida, Supply Chain and Purchasing Director at Ascend Elements, shared the narrative of a mid-market, high-growth company embarking on its digital transformation journey.

Ascend Elements, a burgeoning player in the electric vehicle (EV) battery recycling industry, faced the challenge of managing rapid growth and the complexities of scaling operations. The need for a structured procurement process became evident as the company transitioned from informal methods to a more organized approach.

Almeida’s recount of Ascend’s journey with SAP Ariba sheds light on the critical role of digital tools in managing procurement in a fast-paced environment. The company’s move to adopt SAP Ariba was driven by the necessity to streamline sourcing events, contracts, and purchasing activities. This transition marked a significant step towards establishing a robust foundation for Ascend’s procurement operations, enabling the company to manage its explosive growth effectively.

The Evolution of Digital Procurement at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Pamela Harris, Procurement Technology Manager at HHMI, offered a perspective from a large enterprise that has been utilizing SAP Ariba for over a decade. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a leading medical research organization, embarked on its Ariba journey to enhance its procurement processes and has since been optimizing the platform to meet evolving needs.

Harris highlighted the institute’s journey from initial adoption to continuous improvement, emphasizing the importance of evolving with the technology to meet the changing demands of the business and its workforce.

The integration of SAP Ariba with other systems, like Workday, and the adoption of new modules like Guided Buying, have been part of HHMI’s strategy to enhance efficiency and user experience. This iterative approach to technology implementation has allowed HHMI to refine its procurement processes continuously and adapt to the dynamic landscape of medical research.

Strategic Implementation and the Road Ahead

The conversation with Almeida and Harris underscored the strategic nature of implementing SAP Ariba and the importance of a phased approach. Both organizations recognized the need for a structured plan to integrate Ariba into their existing ecosystems effectively.

For Ascend Elements, the rapid implementation was a necessity to support its fast growth trajectory, while for HHMI, a more gradual approach allowed for continuous adaptation and optimization.

The discussion also revealed the common challenges faced by organizations at different stages of their digital transformation journeys. Ascend and HHMI emphasized the importance of change management and stakeholder engagement to ensure the successful adoption of new technologies.

They highlighted the need for ongoing evaluation and adaptation of the system to align with organizational goals and market dynamics.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

The panel provided valuable insights into best practices for implementing and optimizing SAP Ariba. Key lessons included the importance of clear objectives, executive support, and effective change management. Both speakers stressed the need for continuous communication and training to facilitate user adoption and to maximize the value of the investment in SAP Ariba.

Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of aligning technology implementation with business strategy. For Ascend Elements, SAP Ariba is a foundational tool supporting rapid growth and operational scaling.

In contrast, HHMI utilizes Ariba to sustain innovation and efficiency in its procurement processes, ensuring that the organization remains at the forefront of medical research.

The Future of Procurement and Digital Transformation

Looking ahead, the journey of digital transformation in procurement is ongoing. As companies like Ascend Elements and HHMI continue to evolve, the role of technology in enabling efficient, scalable, and effective procurement processes becomes increasingly evident.

The insights shared during the event underscore the potential of SAP Ariba and similar platforms to transform procurement, providing organizations with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of modern business landscapes.


The experiences of Ascend Elements and HHMI with SAP Ariba offer valuable lessons for organizations at any stage of their digital transformation journey. The key to success lies in strategic implementation, continuous optimization, and the ability to adapt to changing business needs.

As companies continue to navigate their unique paths, the insights from industry leaders provide a roadmap for leveraging technology to drive growth, efficiency, and innovation in procurement and supply chain management.

Suboptimization as part of digital growth in business

The Paradox of Growth and Suboptimization

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Ryan matthes Premikati, growth and suboptimization

Growth is the goal for pretty much any business worth its salt. We all want that upward trajectory of fatter profits, larger market share, and bigger-isn’t-always-better efficiencies.

But here’s the paradox – the very pursuit of exponential growth inevitably spawns cycles where the processes that once powered your success start to strain and suboptimize.

It’s a cruel paradox, but a completely natural one. Think about it – those lean, hyper-focused strategies and operations that propelled you from humble upstart to rising star don’t just magically scale seamlessly as you level up.

What was optimized for small-batch greatness inevitably gets pushed to the limits as the machine grows.

Why It’s Okay!

And so the cycle begins – you start noticing cracks in the finely-tuned execution, inefficiencies creeping in, and processes no longer fully aligned with your evolved goals and the breakneck market pace. Stop attempting to resist the notion and fight it – you have to know that it is ok to realize you’re suboptimized! If you ignore it as just some temporary growing pains, you will eventually realize that those optimization gaps become undeniable logjams crying out for fresh solutions.

That’s when the magic has to happen – you’ve got to take a hard look inward, get real about your suboptimal realities, and start innovating a new path forward. Whether it’s overhauling outdated workflows, adopting new technologies, or completely reframing how you approach a core piece of the business, this innovation reset is the only way to re-optimize for the bigger game you’re now playing.

Ugly as it sounds, these cycles of suboptimization are absolutely vital for any company looking to sustain its growth over the long haul. Let me state that again – not only is crucial for you and your leadership to admit that there is suboptimal processes, but those periods of both being and realizing that suboptimization happens is absolutely vital for a company and can repeatedly act as the catalyst to successive growth. These are ‘system reboots’ that provide fertile ground for organizational learning, an opportunity to get scrappy and creative in overhauling what isn’t working. It’s optimizing through purposeful de-optimization, if you will.

More than that, pushing through these cycles helps breed resilience and agility. You get better at anticipating and rapidly adapting to curveballs. You build muscles for proactively getting out ahead of stagnating processes before they become crises. And you steadily edge your whole company towards being more nimble, more receptive to change, more able to continuously realign with evolving market dynamics.

Of course, the key is recognizing the signs of suboptimization early through diligent monitoring and making space for early interventions and bold pivots before things become too calcified. It requires baking in a true culture of curiosity, experimentation, and learning from failures. An environment where people feel safe to take calculated risks to move the business forward.

There’s no static end state where a company has “achieved” some final optimized form.

Every new growth phase spawns its own cycle of suboptimization that must be navigated with the same proactive energy and commitment to innovation as before.

It’s a perverse paradox, no doubt – but also an awesome opportunity to double down on what’s allowed you to thrive so far.

change management and procurement

Integrating Technology: Change Management in Today’s World of Digital Procurement

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john matthews premikati director of training and ocmHaving been involved in organization change management for over 10 years across multiple industries, I wanted to share my experiences to assist fellow change managers in the never-ending fight for change.

The procurement function is undergoing a digital transformation that promises to enhance efficiency, transparency, and value creation. However, adopting new technologies also brings significant changes and challenges that require careful planning and management.

How can procurement leaders and professionals navigate the complex and dynamic landscape of digital procurement and ensure a smooth and successful transition?

Here are some key steps and strategies to consider.

Assess the current state and the desired state

Before implementing any new technology, it is important to have a clear understanding of the current state of the procurement function and the desired state that the technology will enable.

This involves conducting a gap analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing processes, systems, and capabilities, and the opportunities and threats that the new technology will bring. The gap analysis should also consider the needs and expectations of the internal and external stakeholders, such as the business units, suppliers, customers, and regulators.

Based on the gap analysis, leadership should define the vision, goals, and objectives of the digital transformation, and align them with the overall organizational strategy and culture.

The vision should articulate the value proposition and the benefits of the new technology, such as cost savings, improved quality, faster delivery, better compliance, or increased innovation.

The goals and objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, and should serve as the basis for evaluating the performance and outcomes of the digital transformation.

At this stage, it is also important to engage the stakeholders and solicit their input and feedback on the vision, goals, and objectives of the digital transformation.

This will help to ensure that the digital transformation is aligned with the needs and expectations of the stakeholders, and that they are aware of and supportive of the changes and benefits that the new technology will bring. It will also help to identify and address any potential issues or concerns that the stakeholders may have, and to build trust and collaboration among the stakeholders.

Select the right technology and the right partner

The next step is to select the appropriate technology and the appropriate partner to support the digital transformation.

There are many types of technologies that can be used to enhance the procurement function, such as cloud-based platforms, artificial intelligence, blockchain, internet of things, or robotic process automation. Each technology has its own features, advantages, and limitations, and may not be suitable for every organization or situation. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a thorough research and analysis of the available options, and compare them based on criteria such as functionality, scalability, compatibility, security, cost, and user-friendliness.

Similarly, choosing the right partner to provide the technology and the related services is crucial for the success of the digital transformation. The partner should have the expertise, experience, and reputation in the field of digital procurement, and should be able to offer customized solutions that meet the specific needs and challenges of the organization.

The partner should also have a strong track record of delivering quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, and should be able to provide ongoing support and maintenance. The procurement leaders should establish a clear and transparent communication and collaboration with the partner, and ensure that the roles, responsibilities, and expectations are well-defined and agreed upon.

In selecting the technology and the partner, the procurement leaders should also involve the stakeholders and seek their opinions and preferences. This will help to ensure that the technology and the partner are suitable, and help to foster a sense of ownership and commitment among the stakeholders.

Plan and execute the implementation

Once the technology and the partner are selected, the procurement leaders should develop and execute a detailed and realistic implementation plan that covers all the aspects of the digital transformation.

The plan should include the scope, timeline, budget, resources, risks, and contingencies of the implementation, and should be aligned with the vision, goals, and objectives of the digital transformation. The plan should also specify the milestones, deliverables, and indicators of the implementation, and should be monitored and reviewed regularly to track the progress and performance.

The implementation of the new technology should follow a phased and iterative approach, rather than a big bang approach, to minimize the disruption and the risk of failure.

The procurement leadership team should start with a pilot or a prototype of the technology, and test it on a small scale and a limited scope, before rolling it out to the entire organization and the entire procurement process.

The pilot or the prototype should be evaluated and refined based on the feedback and the results, and the lessons learned should be applied to the subsequent phases of the implementation.

They should also ensure that the new technology is integrated and compatible with the existing systems and processes, and that the data and the information are transferred and stored securely and accurately.

During the implementation, the procurement leaders should also communicate and collaborate with the stakeholders and the partner, and keep them informed and updated on the status and the outcomes of the implementation.

The procurement leaders should also provide regular and timely reports and feedback to the stakeholders and the partner, and address any issues or problems that may arise. While also acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and contributions of the stakeholders and the partner, and celebrate the achievements and the successes of the implementation.

Manage the change and the resistance

The implementation of the new technology is not only a technical change, but also a cultural and behavioral change that affects the people and the processes involved in the procurement function.

Therefore, it is imperative to manage the change and the resistance that may arise from the introduction of the new technology, and to foster a positive and supportive environment that encourages the adoption and the adaptation of the technology.

Adopting a proactive and participatory approach to change management, and involving the key stakeholders in the planning and the execution of the digital transformation is crucial.

The procurement leaders should also communicate the vision, the benefits, and the expectations of the new technology, and address the concerns and the questions that the stakeholders may have.  Additionally, it’s imperative to ensure that the procurement staff and the other users of the technology have enough training and coaching, and have the skills and knowledge they need to use the technology well and productively.

One of the main sources of resistance to the new technology may be the fear of losing jobs or skills, or the reluctance to change the existing habits or routines. To overcome this resistance, the procurement leaders should emphasize the positive aspects of the new technology, such as how it can enhance the productivity, quality, and satisfaction of the procurement staff and the users, and how it can create new opportunities for learning and development.

It is important to reassure the staff and the users that the new technology is not meant to replace them, but to complement and support them, and that they will still have a valuable and meaningful role in the procurement function.

The Road Ahead

Integrating technology in the procurement function is a strategic and beneficial move that can enhance the performance and the value of the procurement function.

However, it also requires a careful and comprehensive change management that addresses the changes and the challenges that come with the digital transformation.

By following the steps and strategies outlined above, and by adopting a consultative and collaborative approach, procurement leaders and professionals can ensure a smooth and successful transition to the era of digital procurement.


premikati sap ariba procurement

Mastering Procurement in 2024: A Quarter-by-Quarter Strategic Roadmap for Success

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An effective procurement strategy is more than just a way to cut costs; it’s a crucial driver of value and innovation.

As we step into a new year, let’s explore a comprehensive, quarter-by-quarter strategic roadmap that procurement professionals can leverage to elevate their operations, align with organizational goals, and stay ahead in an ever-changing market.


Q1: January – March: Foundation and Planning

  1. Assessment and Goal Setting (January)
    • Perform a granular analysis of last year’s procurement data, focusing on spending patterns, supplier performance, and compliance issues.
    • Collaborate with key departments to understand their procurement needs and challenges.
    • Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals that may include cost savings, process efficiency, and supplier diversity.
  2. Strategy Development (February)
    • Develop strategies tailored to different categories of procurement, considering both direct and indirect spending.
    • Incorporate risk management strategies, focusing on supply chain resilience and adaptability.
    • Plan for the integration of advanced tools like SAP Ariba, focusing on how they can enhance procurement operations.
  3. Implementation Planning (March)
    • Create detailed project plans, identifying milestones and key deliverables.
    • Develop training programs and materials for the procurement team and other involved stakeholders.
    • Establish a communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the implementation process.

Q2: April – June: Implementation and Optimization

  1. Process Implementation (April)
    • Start with a pilot program to test new processes in a controlled environment.
    • Establish feedback mechanisms to gather insights and make necessary adjustments.
    • Ensure compliance with both internal policies and external regulatory requirements.
  2. Supplier Relationship Management (May)
    • Develop a supplier segmentation strategy to identify key suppliers and manage them accordingly.
    • Initiate regular business reviews with key suppliers to discuss performance, opportunities, and challenges.
    • Look for opportunities to consolidate suppliers and negotiate better terms or bulk discounts.
  3. Performance Tracking and Optimization (June)
    • Utilize dashboards and reporting tools within SAP Ariba for real-time monitoring.
    • Conduct quarterly reviews to assess progress against goals and make adjustments as needed.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging team members to suggest and implement enhancements.

Q3: July – September: Expansion and Innovation

  1. Market Analysis and Expansion (July)
    • Conduct thorough research to identify emerging trends and new market opportunities.
    • Evaluate the potential risks and benefits of expanding into new markets or product categories.
    • Plan for the integration of new suppliers, ensuring they meet the organization’s quality and compliance standards.
  2. Innovation in Procurement (August)
    • Explore emerging technologies such as IoT, robotics, and AI, assessing their potential impact on procurement processes.
    • Encourage the team to participate in industry workshops and seminars to stay abreast of the latest trends.
    • Pilot innovative procurement practices on a small scale before wider implementation.
  3. Strategic Sourcing Initiatives (September)
    • Reassess sourcing strategies to ensure they align with current market conditions and business objectives.
    • Develop partnerships with suppliers to foster innovation and improve supply chain sustainability.
    • Implement category management to optimize the procurement of goods and services across different categories.

Q4: October – December: Review and Future Planning

  1. Performance Review (October)
    • Analyze key performance indicators in detail, comparing them against industry benchmarks and historical data.
    • Solicit feedback from internal customers and suppliers to gain a 360-degree view of procurement performance.
    • Identify key learnings and areas of improvement to inform future strategies.
  2. Budget Planning and Forecasting (November)
    • Collaborate with finance and other departments to align procurement budgeting with overall business objectives.
    • Use predictive analytics to forecast future spending trends and procurement needs.
    • Plan for contingencies, ensuring flexibility in the face of market changes or unexpected challenges.
  3. Setting Goals for the Next Year (December)
    • Develop goals that not only focus on cost savings but also on value creation, sustainability, and innovation.
    • Plan for technology upgrades or implementations in the coming year.
    • Align procurement goals with the broader strategic objectives of the organization.

Comprehensive Checklist of Action Items:

  • Perform detailed procurement data analysis.
  • Set SMART procurement goals.
  • Develop category-specific strategies.
  • Plan and implement advanced procurement tools.
  • Conduct pilot programs for new processes.
  • Establish strong supplier relationships and management strategies.
  • Utilize SAP Ariba™ for performance tracking.
  • Engage in continuous process optimization.
  • Conduct market analysis for expansion.
  • Pilot innovative procurement practices.
  • Implement strategic sourcing and category management.
  • Conduct detailed performance reviews.
  • Align procurement budgeting with business objectives.
  • Set goals for technology upgrades and innovation.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning.


By following this detailed roadmap and checklist, procurement teams can ensure a strategic, efficient, and value-driven approach throughout the year, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization.

digital transformation procurement Canada

Strategic Innovation in Canada

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Navigating Digital Transformation in Procurement

In an era where technology profoundly shapes business landscapes, Canadian mid-market companies are not just participating in the digital revolution; they are leading it.

Particularly in the realm of procurement, digital transformation has become more than a trend—it’s a strategic imperative.

Thankfully, with initiatives like the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), companies have robust support to embark on this transformative journey.

The Canadian Mid-Market: A Landscape Ripe for Digital Revolution

Canada’s mid-market sector is diverse and dynamic, with a common thread running through its fabric—the need for effective, streamlined procurement processes.

Embracing digital transformation in procurement means more than integrating new technologies; it’s about redefining procurement’s role in driving business value.

Harnessing Emerging Technologies

Canadian mid-market companies are increasingly adopting technologies such as cloud computing, AI, and analytics. These tools not only bring efficiency and cost reduction but also enhance decision-making.

For instance, SAP Ariba™ offers a comprehensive procurement network that simplifies operations and strengthens supplier relationships.

Data-Driven Procurement

Data is the cornerstone of modern procurement.

Canadian companies are tapping into the power of analytics and AI to glean insights into spending patterns and market trends, facilitating strategic sourcing and effective risk management.

Navigating Challenges with the Canadian Digital Adoption Program

The path to digital transformation is fraught with challenges, such as the initial investment and the need for skilled personnel. Here, the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) plays a crucial role.

This initiative by the Canadian government aims to boost competitiveness among Canadian businesses by helping them adopt digital technologies.

CDAP: A Springboard for Digital Transformation

The CDAP provides grants and loans to help businesses adopt new technologies. It’s tailored to assist companies in implementing digital solutions and enhancing their online presence.

This support is invaluable for mid-market companies looking to modernize their procurement processes without the burden of overwhelming costs.

Tailoring Digital Solutions

Solutions like SAP Ariba™ offer scalable and customizable options to meet the diverse needs of mid-market companies. Whether it’s improving contract management or automating routine tasks, these solutions can be adapted to each company’s unique requirements.

Canadian Companies Leading Digital Adoption

Canadian mid-market companies are not just adopting digital transformation; they’re setting new standards in procurement efficiency and strategic sourcing. Success stories across the country demonstrate significant cost savings and operational improvements.

The Future of Procurement in Canada

The future of procurement is undeniably digital. With ongoing technological advancements and a growing emphasis on sustainability, Canadian mid-market companies are well-positioned to continue their leadership in this domain.

By leveraging digital transformation in procurement and utilizing resources like the Canadian Digital Adoption Program, these companies can unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency and innovation.

The future is here, and Canada’s mid-market companies are ready to seize it.

Procurement during fall and the holidays

Harnessing the Seasonal Shift: A Procurement Perspective on Fall and Holiday Dynamics

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When the hues of autumn leaves signal a change in season, it’s more than a picturesque moment—it’s a cue for businesses to engage in a tactical ballet of procurement.

This isn’t just about buying extra supplies for the office holiday party. No, this time of year has profound effects on procurement, supply chain, and the overall rhyth of business.

Let’s dive into the seasonal nuances and discover how smart procurement strategies can transform these challenges into opportunities.

Forecasting the Holiday Hustle

Annually, the holiday period sees consumer spending skyrocket, with events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday marking high tides of consumerism.

Businesses must forecast this demand swell and ensure their supply chains can withstand the surge. Collaborating with suppliers, securing advantageous contracts, and employing sophisticated platforms such as SAP Ariba™ to manage the flux of supply and demand are critical measures.

Steering Through Supply Chain Turbulence

Autumn heralds not just a cascade of leaves but the climax of hurricane season, opening the act for winter’s disruptive performances.

Supply chain resilience in this period hinges on the availability of alternative suppliers, transparent communication, and instant visibility into inventories and shipments.

A dynamic, forward-thinking stance is essential, moving beyond reactivity into the realm of anticipatory strategy.

Capitalizing on Seasonal Supplier Promotions

Seasonal discounts and promotions are not exclusive to the retail domain; they’re a vein of gold for the astute procurement specialist.

Engaging with these timely offers can lead to improved rates and terms, slashing costs and sowing the seeds for future collaborative supplier partnerships.

The Art of Strategic Stockpiling

The holiday season often coincides with operational downtimes.

Wise stockpiling is imperative to circumvent potential standstills. Yet, this is a balancing act—overstocking is as much a faux pas as understocking. Here, procurement technologies offer the analytical acumen needed to maintain equilibrium.

Ethical Procurement: A Seasonal Reflection

The reflective nature of the holidays provides an opportune moment for businesses to reassess their procurement ethos, emphasizing sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Adopting such practices not only aligns with a growing consumer conscience but also contributes positively to the global ecosystem.

Post-Holiday Procurement Post-Mortem

As the holiday glitter settles, the imperative to evaluate and adapt becomes evident. Procurement professionals are tasked with dissecting the season’s performance to refine future strategies. This ethos of continuous enhancement, powered by the data analytics of tools like SAP Ariba™, positions companies to consistently outpace the competition.

In essence, the autumn and holiday seasons are punctuated with both trials and triumphs for procurement.

By remaining nimble, embracing innovative technologies, and nurturing solid supplier relationships, businesses can transcend seasonal challenges, paving the way for a flourishing start to the New Year.

CFOs and Indirect Spend

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Transforming Procurement: The Strategic Role of CFOs in Managing Indirect Spend

In the dynamic landscape of procurement, the role of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) has evolved significantly, especially in the realm of indirect procurement.

At PREMIKATI, we understand the intricacies of this evolution and its impact on businesses. This article delves into the collaborative efforts needed between CFOs and CPOs to harness control over indirect spending and explores who should drive robust management in this area.

The Shift in Procurement Dynamics

Traditionally, procurement functions have focused on direct materials – those essential for producing goods or delivering services. However, with the acceleration of digital transformation, the focus has shifted towards a more strategic approach to procurement.

This is particularly true for indirect procurement, encompassing areas like travel, logistics, IT, and maintenance. These categories, often comprising a significant portion of revenue, demand an innovative approach to unlock their hidden value.

Navigating Indirect Spend

Indirect spend, unlike direct spend, deals with the broader costs of operating a business. It requires a unique approach, one that involves changing behaviors across an organization. For CFOs and CPOs, the challenge lies in balancing immediate cost reductions with the potential for greater long-term savings through strategic procurement.

Despite its importance, indirect spend often receives less attention in the procurement strategy. This oversight can result in missed opportunities for cost savings and efficiency gains. As companies continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, optimizing indirect spend has become more crucial than ever.

Strategic Actions for Enhanced Indirect Procurement

To bring indirect procurement into sharper focus, CFOs and CPOs might consider:

  1. Separating Indirect from Direct Spend: Distinct handling of indirect suppliers can lead to more targeted cost control strategies.
  2. Leadership Over Indirect Spending: Placing a dedicated head of indirect procurement under the CFO can facilitate better oversight and strategic planning.
  3. Enhanced Relationships with Stakeholders: Building strong connections with non-procurement stakeholders can lead to more effective contract management and supplier relationships.
  4. Defining the CFO’s Role in Cost Reduction: CFOs should oversee the monitoring of contracts and compliance, ensuring cost savings are effectively captured and utilized.
  5. Leveraging Technology for Greater Visibility and Efficiency: Implementing technology solutions can streamline indirect spend management, enhancing compliance and reducing unnecessary expenditures.

The Road Ahead

As companies emerge from challenging times, the transformation of indirect procurement presents a new frontier for cost savings and efficiency.

This transition, however, requires careful management and alignment of goals between CFOs and CPOs.

By applying strategic insights and leveraging technology, companies can turn indirect procurement into a valuable asset, contributing significantly to the bottom line.

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