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SAP Ariba Implementation

5 Frustrations Procurement Professionals Will Understand

Five Frustrations Procurement Professionals Will Understand

By Procurement No Comments

Every profession comes with its frustrations, but procurement comes with its own very specific set. If you’ve been in the business for more than a minute, you’ve probably wanted to put your head through your desk on more than one occasion thanks to these special procurement nightmares.

Are You Ghosting Us?

We’ve all had it happen—after weeks of back and forth, we message a supplier an important question that will impact, well, everything else. And we wait. And wait. Days pass. Weeks. Centuries… Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but when we are relying on this one piece of feedback in particular, it can certainly feel this way. If you don’t have the answer to our question, let us know. It’s okay. Just please, please don’t put us through the special hell of ignoring us completely while we search for a solution or an answer.

How Big Are Your Shoes?

Did you promise us the moon? Well, buddy, you’ve got big shoes to fill. Unfortunately, lots of other departments (cough, cough suppliers, marketers, we’re looking at you) have their toes in their arch supports. It’s frustrating when the people we rely on to fulfill our job duties overpromise and underdeliver. It leaves us backed up and with a whole lot of explaining to do.

T Minus 10 Minutes

We get it—sometimes genius strikes at the midnight hour (and often when we are furthest away from pad and paper), but changing plans mega late in the game is really difficult in procurement. If we’ve spent months planning for everything you need to execute your brilliant plan, changing everything last minute makes us shudder. Oftentimes, it simply cannot be done on timescale that suits everyone, and we’re the ones who end up taking the flak. Give us plans and give us time and we will give you the world, though.

The Ol’ Switcheroo

We’re planners. Have we mentioned that enough? We like plans. More importantly, we like sticking to plans. So, marketers and sales folks, believe us when we say that we are looking for this one particular item, especially if we say that’s all we’re looking for. Extra especially if we’ve already said it once. Give it up on the upsell and the cross-promotion, and we’ll thank you for it. Respect our already limited time and we’ll pay it back in spades with loyalty and not-too-many emails. At least the former, as long as you keep your prices reasonable and your delivery on time.

Dripping in Gold

Speaking of upsells, do we look like we’re made of money? We can’t break the bank on every new request, every outlandish marketing idea, every new and ingenius product idea. We have to save for a rainy day and prioritize our cash flow toward the best and most efficient option. You can stop calling us names—we’re not literally always looking for the cheapest option, even if it seems that way sometimes. We’re not trying to make your life harder. We’re trying to make our dollars take us as far as we can and sometimes that means saying things like, “No, I get that it’s a more ergonomic option, but we cannot approve another (sigh) standing desk at this time.”

Did this list make you want to cry into your keyboard? You can find relief at the Premikati Marketplace where procurement is easy (and way less frustrating).

SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing Tips

SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing Tips

By Procurement No Comments

Having been an SAP Ariba customer, employee, and now SAP Ariba BPO partner, I have seen many of the pain points of the implementation of this module.

Granted, this list is only three of the major roadblocks we at Premikati have come across, and there are many more challenges that are company specific that we will address via this medium in the near future.

Alas, for now – let’s hit the top 3:

1. Have a solid change management strategy and plan.  

When initiating a top down project, without buy-in, you are at risk for people not adopting the new processes, technology, and communications.

This lack of buy-in decreases your early adoption level and end user acceptance of the new technology and processes – therefore diminishing your success and what should be – a rapid ROI.

2. Develop a strategic supplier on boarding wave plan.

Start with matched SAP Ariba Network suppliers. They are already transacting over the network making for an easy connection.

Next, remember the 80/20 rule. Let’s get the suppliers you do the highest spend with on immediately. This will allow for quick visibility and spend control for the majority of your purchase orders.

Your next target should be strategic commodities.

As far as tail spend, remember that SAP Ariba Spot Buy will revolutionize the way you have dealt with the tail spend that everyone struggles with and should have been “turned on” immediately and effortlessly.

3. Develop a strong compliance message for your suppliers.

Require all suppliers to receive PO’s and submit invoices through the Ariba Network. With Light Enablement, the historical complaints about fees are simply invalid.

Companies who follow this recommendation experience quicker supplier enablement which in turn allows for increased visibility and control of your company’s spend.


Premikati is a certified Woman Owned Management Consulting and Legal Process Outsourcing firm, and an SAP Ariba Silver Partner, that is specifically tailored to Procurement and Supply Chain.

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