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December 2020

3 Business Resolutions You Can Actually Keep In 2021

By Procurement No Comments

The New Year of 2021 is right around the corner, and many are breathing a sigh of relief that 2020 is finally coming to a close. After a daunting, strenuous, and uncertain year for nearly everyone on the globe, the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions can be a welcome change of pace that requires focus on the positive and a future that holds brighter possibilities that are, at least somewhat, within our control.

But if you’re like many people, your business resolutions may suffer from an eyes-bigger-than-your mouth scenario. Despite a color-coded bullet journal, habit tracker, ergonomic chair, and the best of intentions, businesses usually run out of steam within the first few weeks. And this year, there’s all the stipulations and precautions to navigate in the midst of a pandemic to also consider—things like attend 10x business networking events, etc.

We’ve put together a list of three, Covid-friendly New Year’s resolutions for business that you can actually keep amid the chaos.

Prioritize worker health and safety above anything else

Now more than ever, it’s important to make sure your employees are taken care of. Follow all recommendations such as safe social distancing, proper mask usage that is enforced, and regular hand washing.

Additionally, you can set aside time for employees to simply chat on a call wih their coworkers. For many adults, the people we work with are our main source of non-family socialization with people in our age group. If working from home is starting to make employees feel isolated and irritable, schedule time on the clock for workers to regain some camaraderie.

This is a good tactic for reputation management as well. Businesses who chose money over worker safety in early 2020 have received a lot of backlash for their actions. Many people have begun to actively refuse to purchase from brands that don’t respect their workers.

Clean up your remote work processes

If you just started with online work because of the pandemic, then you’ve likely gone through some growing pains this year. In 2021, vow to clean up your remote work processes by:

  • Managing tool subscriptions. Delete unneeded accounts to save immediate cash.
  • Creating standard operating procedures for common tasks such as blog posts
  • Choosing a unified system for all employees such as Google Drive or Slack and then communicating

Learn how to set effective KPIs

Just like personal goals, many businesses struggle with KPIs. They sound great on paper, but don’t perform their intended function in an overarching sense.

Take some time out in 2021 in order to reclaim time for years to come by doing a deep dive into goal planning and key performance indicators. Explore how to set realistic goals and KPIs that will actually gauge your success at meeting them.

Learning to set effective KPIs now can save you years of tried and failed attempts, wasted money, and trial-and-error loops that make only tiny incremental progress. Choosing the right ones and working toward them with consistency can be a gamechanger in your business if you’re used to doing everything by feeling, instinct, and happenstance. Having some measurable stats can also boost your team’s morale and keep them on track with insight into how what they do fits into the big picture of what’s most important to your company.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? At Premikati, we’re working harder than ever to make sure our clients have a wide range of features, a supplier list not to be reckoned with, and a simple interface for all of their purchasing needs. We also offer business process outsourcing in order to optimize the use of your time so you can use your time to its fullest.

What 2021 Has In Store For Supply Chain And Procurement

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As December 31, 2020 fast approaches, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that we might as well start calling the “new normal” plain-old no-modifier “normal,” because what we used to call normal is over. While that reality sets in, we turn towards 2021 with hope of redemption, some way to calm the effects of the first year of this decade. 

We’ve seen a record-breaking number of named storms this season at a whopping 30, six of which were major hurricanes. We’ve seen the rise of the coronavirus pandemic, the overburdened hospitals and overtaxed supply chains which led to no respirators and no toilet paper and a lot of desperate people. We’ve seen riots abound. And politics? Let’s not even start down that path. 

But we’ve also seen the advent of not one, but multiple vaccinations show results in fighting Covid-19, the product of researchers around the globe sharing for the greater good. We’ve seen suppliers and manufacturers rise to the occasion to protect humanity at its most vulnerable. More than any other year in recent decades, we’ve seen the innovation and sheer force of will that keep people going, growing, changing, and making progress no matter the obstacles in the way. You can see it with online schooling, work from home, distilleries turned sanitizer manufacturers, and widespread curbside pickup. As easy as it is to lose track of, as a species, we are teaming up to fight the pandemic and to support one another, as best we can from a safe social distance (six feet apart, we’re told.) 

So what do all these changes mean for supply chain and manufacturing? This segment of the economy has not escaped unscathed, and 2021 is likely to bring even more profound changes as complex ideas come to fruition in the face of a chaotic world. Here’s what you can expect: 

All eyes on supply chain, our unsuspecting heroes

Supply chain professionals tend to fly under the radar, invisibly managing the gears that keep humanity buzzing along. But when people can’t get the equipment they need to survive or maintain their basic quality of life (things like toilet paper, Lysol, hand soap, N-95 masks, and respirators, to name a few) then those who have never given a second thought to where and from whom all these sorts of items come, they start to scrutinize the why’s. 

During Covid, this has meant monitoring suppliers for ethical dilemmas such as price gouging or dangerous working conditions. Throughout 2021, expect consumers and businesses alike to offer deep scrutiny to supply chain practices as old world ways break down entirely in our now-digital economy (with our overburdened postal service.)  

Suppliers who come up with innovative solutions and respect the health of their employees will see increased loyalty and applause while people are paying more attention than ever. As is natural, bad apples will float to the top—perhaps only faster now in the mid-pandemic world. 

Expect more recognition, too, as consumers begin to see and value the role of various players in their supply chains.

A much colder supply chain

As vaccines are introduced to patients around the globe, somebody has to transport these ultra-sensitive products. Current Covid vaccines require a maintained temperature of  -70 degrees Celsius ©, or -94 Fahrenheit. With so many people at risk, and each patient requiring two doses for the vaccine to be effective, we can expect a rise in focus on transportation refrigeration technology that can sustain such low temperatures. In the same vein, a need for transparency and verifiable track records that show chain of custody, temperature consistency, etc. (probably via some IoT device paired with blockchain tech) will drive innovations among supply chain startups.

Susan Beardslee, Freight Transportation, and Logistics Principal Analyst at ABI Research has described the efforts needed to effectively supply the Covid-19 vaccines as “Herculean” and requiring “efforts beyond the actual vaccine development and approval.”

Continued volatility and increased automation

No one in supply chain, logistics, or manufacturing has been spared of the uncertainty and volatility caused by the coronavirus. Driver shortages and overburdened warehouses paired with a teetering economy make for delicate and unprecedented balance to be struck in order to stay afloat and stay relevant. Many in the supply chain realm are turning to machine learning in order to help predict what might come next and how to proceed. Some manufacturers consider lights-out factories that are fully automated—essentially, someone pops in to turn the lights out, and the robots handle the rest. 

Businesses will need to remain flexible in order to adapt to what 2021 has to offer without breaking under the weight of the chaos. 

The disappearance of smaller companies

Of course, not everyone will succeed, even if they stay flexible and do everything “right.” Covid-19 has already brought businesses to their knees across a wide range of industries. An unfortunate truth is that smaller companies often can’t face the pressure or constantly changing variables that come with a crisis-minded market.

At least in the US, government funding for small business can sometimes be finicky to navigate, and there’s no guarantee of continued support for small businesses. 

Nearshoring and Regionalization

Expect supply chain companies to look to nearshoring and regionalization to help manage logistics and cost. Companies will more frequently turn to neighboring countries for products that may have once been bought overseas. This allows for redundancy, cost savings, and strengthening and revitalization of local economies for an easier recovery from 2020’s effects. 

Some aspects of 2021 are just going to be a matter of wait and see, especially as rapidly as the world is changing in response to the pandemic. No matter the specs you need from a supplier, 

Premikati Marketplace has you covered. If you’re looking for professional services to help give you a competitive edge in today’s strange market, Premikati can help by managing your business processes using our team of experts. Reach out to us today to see how we can help your business flourish in 2021. 

B2B Holiday Gift Giving For Grateful Procurement Pros: Covid-19 Edition

By Procurement No Comments

When the snow starts falling and the Walmart speakers start fa-la-la-la-la-ing (okay, that was back before Halloween, but still), then you know it’s time to start thinking about how to show your appreciation for your suppliers and employees with a few well-thought-out gifts. After all, showing gratitude is among the number one ways to foster better relationships with suppliers and employees alike, and gifts are a common way to share the sentiment. 

But gift giving in business is a careful dance. You want to do something personal, but not too personal. You want to give something merry or even traditional but not exclusionary or politically incorrect—the Jewish vegan rep for your supplier that’s helped you no less than 50 times this year may be a little off-put by your summer sausage and smoked cheddar gift basket with its big “Merry Christmas!” adornment, even if she knows you mean well.

Then, there’s the dreaded taxes. Keep your gift-giving in check so as to not incur any unexpected visits from the IRS from anyone involved. And if you’re giving to individuals with the hopes of writing the gifts off as deductions, then you have a $25 maximum to think about. And the de minimis fringe benefits rule, especially if you’re giving small branded items. 

If that wasn’t enough to make you rethink your gifting strategy, this year you have something extra special to contend with—Covid-19. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the business world to its core as millions around the globe are infected and holiday gatherings are already a source of concern as infection rates spike in response to Thanksgiving events. In the midst of a global pandemic, easy fall-backs like gift cards to favorite shopping centers or restaurants can come across as foolish, callous, or even offensive to recipients who are trying to responsibly social distance this holiday season.

So, what’s left? Here are some ideas for last minute corporate gifts that are Covid friendly, inasmuch as is possible. 

The Classic Company-Branded Gift Gone Viral: Custom Hand Sanitizer

If there’s one thing everyone can use right now, it’s sanitizer. Now that the shelves are not so bare and manufacturers have bolstered their reserves for a study influx of orders, hand sanitizer is a pandemic essential that is reasonably easy to come by, relatively inexpensive, and says, “Hey, we care about your health and safety. We hope our company helps you get through another day of this craziness unscathed.” 

Just like the pens, magnets, and water bottles with company logos that we all know and love, there are a ton of different options for company-branded sanitizers—from spray pens to squeeze gel to credit-card shaped designs, wipes, and keychains. You can get 500 bottles of custom-branded sanitizer for less than $400, so it’s pretty affordable too, which is great considering many business budgets are looking a little frail with such huge hits to the economy and global uncertainty. 

Running low on time? Get unbranded! Any brand! Right now, I don’t think anyone’s going to toss your sanitizer gift aside because it didn’t (or did) have a logo. This stuff is important right now, and you can’t go wrong with it. 

Work From Home Accessories

With so many businesses switching to full remote work, employees are making major adjustments to their home environments (especially since coffee shops are not so much an option right now.) Anything that boosts focus, ergonomics, or efficiency is a great way to show your appreciation. 

Everything from ergonomic cushions and monitor risers to more expensive gifts like ergonomic chairs and standing desks can help your recipients feel a little more cheerful throughout the day. Things that make the “new normal” easier to cope with are a positive in our book. 

Gift Cards That Encourage Staying Home

Gift cards are still a viable option! Replace the buffet cards and mall certificates with e-gift cards that both encourage recipients to stay home and also don’t require physical transmission. You can send a digital gift card from Amazon to anyone’s email. Instacart also just launched their gift card options, and who couldn’t use groceries? Last I checked, we all eat. 

Keep these people who work hard to make your business thrive out of the aisles for a day so they can get their snack on while they binge-watch Netflix without having to worry about the treacherous trek out into public. Bonus: When you give Instacart, DoorDash, and similar gift cards, you help bolster your local economy and keep more people out of the stores, helping to flatten the curve in your area. Another option is to give gift cards to restaurants that are available locally that offer contactless delivery. 

Whatever you choose to give your employees and suppliers this holiday season, we wish for you and yours to stay safe and stay healthy. We look forward to you joining us in the new year. 


premikati marketplace

2 Things Your Business Needs To Do ASAP

By Procurement No Comments

Do you need to take a serious assessment of your business right now?

For months, we’ve seen how COVID-19 has affected our personal lives, businesses, and the way our society functions in general. And if you haven’t taken the time to really dive into how your business is functioning from the ground up, I challenge you to make this your top priority.

The impact that COVID-19 has had on business is emphasizing what has always been true: The future is filled with unforeseen circumstances, and the world is changing fast. Businesses need to be smart, agile, and innovative, but it’s hard to do this if you don’t have a solid foundation in place.

Many businesses are experiencing budget cuts and a reduced workforce. Now is the time to become more strategic with your game plan and fix or improve current processes.

Plain and simple, if you haven’t already, you need to:

1. Cut costs.
2. Make sure time is used efficiently as possible.

Of course, while this may be simple, it is frequently not easy. Here are ways you can approach making these essential assessments:

You Need to Dial In Your Spending.
We want our businesses to not just survive—we want them to thrive. However, especially in the last several months, many companies have shifted into survival mode.

Companies in many industries are having to take a hard look at their expenses, and there have been significant cuts across the board. It’s essential to stay lean and mean, and you need to be bold, proactive, and smart when evaluating where you can cut back.

Part of successfully cutting costs begins with asking the right questions. I encourage businesses to consider:

  • What do you actually NEED for your business to operate right now? Are you actually accumulating things you don’t need? How have your needs changed with more employees working from home?
  • How are purchases approved? Who is in charge of approving purchases? Are they able to review and approve in a timely manner? Are inefficient processes causing your business to miss out on important opportunities that could have been? Who is spending money on what, and how can you find out this information?
  • Are you actually buying from the BEST supplier for your specific needs? Are you getting the very best deals on items you truly need? Are the products you’re using high quality? Does your supplier provide a top-notch shopping experience so you don’t waste time? Does your supplier provide excellent customer service?

Not only do you need to simplify your procurement process, but you need to make sure you’re also getting the most out of it.

Is Valuable Time Being Wasted?

While working from home can have its perks, there is an added layer of complexity due to the unique challenges of COVID-19. People are not simply “working from home”; they are doing everything from home. And with budget cuts, employees may be working harder and longer hours than ever.

Your goal here is to let your employees spend time on the things that really sustain and grow your business. Again, identifying how to fix and improve processes begins with asking the right questions:

  • Are your employees wasting valuable hours on easy-to-solve procurement issues? For example, how many hours do they spend manually reconciling purchase orders with invoices? (How many hours or days does this add up to each year?)
  • How long do employees spend researching the suppliers with the lowest costs? After investing in hours researching suppliers, have you ended up actually saving money? Are the suppliers reputable? Do they offer white glove customer support where you can talk to a real person right away?
  • How much time does it take to get set up with each new supplier? Is it worth the investment? How long until you’ll need to find a new supplier to grow with your business? How long will it take you to figure out if it’s the best fit for your needs?

Don’t waste time doing things that have simple, elegant solutions already available.


No matter what your unique challenges may be during this time, every business can benefit from taking a hard look at how time and money are being used.

If you read this and felt slightly panicked or overwhelmed, you’re not alone. This stuff is hard. It can be time-consuming to figure out, and sometimes it can feel easier to let things get done the way they always have, instead of making the investment in a potential solution that may or may not work out. You need to figure out a way to make big changes… without wasting even more money and time.

Premikati Marketplace has you covered. How can you know for sure? We know from experience exactly what businesses (like yours!) struggle with the most.

Premikati Marketplace helps your business:

  • Cut costs. Companies that use Premikati Marketplace save up to 35% due to pre-negotiated pricing on millions of items, efficiencies, and spend visibility.
  • Use time efficiently. Set up Premikati Marketplace in less than 24 hours. You don’t need any IT or technical admin support, either.

Click here to learn more about the Premikati Marketplace

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