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SAP Ariba implementations Canada - PREMIKATI

PREMIKATI Announces Expansion into Canadian Market

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PREMIKATI, a leading woman-owned procurement management consulting firm, announced its expansion into the Canadian market, bringing its wealth of expertise in procurement and SAP Ariba™ solutions to businesses across Canada. This strategic move marks a significant step in PREMIKATI’s growth, positioning the company to offer its specialized services to a new and diverse clientele in the Canadian market.

“We are committed to offering tailored solutions that meet the diverse needs of Canadian enterprises, helping them achieve their procurement goals with velocity and innovation.” – Marisol Buchanan, President and CEO

PREMIKATI, an SAP Gold Partner and a member of the exclusive Inc. 5000, has built a reputation for excellence in the procurement industry, providing top-tier consulting services, procurement business process outsourcing, and technology solutions. The expansion into Canada aligns with the company’s mission to help businesses save time and money, fostering growth and efficiency.

Marisol Buchanan, President and CEO of PREMIKATI, stated, “We are thrilled to bring PREMIKATI’s expertise in procurement management and our deep knowledge of SAP Ariba solutions to Canadian businesses. Our expansion into Canada is not just about growth; it’s about connecting with new markets and understanding their unique challenges. We are committed to offering tailored solutions that meet the diverse needs of Canadian enterprises, helping them achieve their goals with velocity and innovation.”

PREMIKATI’s expansion will focus on serving mid-market and large enterprise companies across a range of industry verticals. The company’s approach combines extensive industry experience with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that clients receive cutting-edge, customized solutions that drive value and growth. The company looks forward to building lasting relationships with Canadian businesses and contributing to the success of their procurement and financial strategies.


PREMIKATI is a globally recognized procurement management consulting leader, specializing in full procurement business and legal process outsourcing and the implementation of SAP Ariba and Icertis software. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, PREMIKATI’s commitment to innovation sets it apart, offering tailored solutions that marry the latest technological advancements with timeless business wisdom. PREMIKATI paves the way for clients to achieve growth through efficiency and insight.

For more information about PREMIKATI and its services, please visit

transition from concur invoicing to sap ariba buying and invoicing

Overcoming Concur Invoicing Challenges: Why SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing is the Upgrade You Need

By Procurement No Comments

As businesses grow, the tools and systems that once served them well can start to fall short. This is particularly true for companies using Concur Invoicing.

While Concur is a solid solution for managing expenses and travel, many growing enterprises find themselves outgrowing its capabilities, facing rising costs, and encountering new inefficiencies.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the real-world pain points of Concur Invoicing and explain why SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing is the ideal upgrade for scaling businesses.

The Hidden Costs of Growth with Concur Invoicing

When your company was smaller, Concur Invoicing likely provided an effective solution for managing expenses and travel. However, as your business scales, so do the costs associated with using Concur. This escalation in expenses can become a significant financial burden.

Real-World Scenario: Consider a mid-sized company that initially found Concur to be a cost-effective solution. As they expanded, the increased volume of transactions and the need for more comprehensive invoicing features meant higher costs. What was once an economical choice began to strain their budget, reducing their overall profitability.


  • Higher Operational Costs: The pricing structure of Concur Invoicing becomes less favorable as transaction volumes increase.
  • Reduced Profit Margins: Increased costs directly impact the bottom line, limiting funds that could be used for growth and innovation.

Limited Advanced Features for Complex Needs

Concur Invoicing is known for its user-friendly interface and robust travel and expense management capabilities. However, it often falls short in providing the advanced procurement features that growing businesses require.

Real-World Scenario: A company with complex procurement needs might struggle with Concur’s limited functionalities. They may need detailed spend analytics and comprehensive supplier management tools to manage their procurement processes effectively. Without these advanced features, they risk inefficiencies and compliance issues.


  • Inefficiencies: Lack of advanced features can lead to manual workarounds and process delays.
  • Compliance Risks: Inadequate procurement management tools can result in non-compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

Integration Challenges Leading to Disjointed Processes

Integrating Concur Invoicing with existing ERP systems can be a significant challenge for growing businesses. This lack of seamless integration often results in disjointed processes, increased manual effort, and potential errors in invoicing.

Real-World Scenario: A company attempting to integrate Concur with their broader ERP systems may face numerous hurdles. Disjointed processes and manual data synchronization efforts can lead to delays and errors, negatively impacting operational efficiency.


  • Operational Delays: Manual synchronization processes slow down operations.
  • Data Inaccuracies: Increased risk of errors due to manual data handling.

User Frustrations Hampering Productivity

User experience is crucial for the efficiency of any invoicing system. Many Concur users report frustrations with its interface, especially when managing multiple expenses or handling canceled transactions. These pain points can lead to wasted time and reduced productivity.

Real-World Scenario: Employees using Concur Invoicing often struggle with managing multiple expenses due to the inability to apply the same image to multiple entries. Additionally, handling canceled transactions that have already been paid can be cumbersome and time-consuming.


  • Wasted Time: Users spend more time managing expenses, reducing overall productivity.
  • Employee Dissatisfaction: Frustrations with the system can lead to lower morale and higher turnover.

The Solution: SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing

For businesses looking to overcome these challenges, SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing offers a comprehensive and scalable solution. Let’s explore how Ariba addresses the pain points of Concur Invoicing and provides a more robust platform for growing enterprises.

Scalable and Cost-Effective

Unlike Concur, SAP Ariba is designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re a small company or a large enterprise, Ariba offers a flexible and cost-effective solution that adapts to your needs.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Pricing: Ariba’s pricing structure is designed to be cost-effective for businesses of all sizes, ensuring that you only pay for what you need.
  • Adaptability: As your business grows, Ariba scales with you, providing the necessary tools and features to support your expanding operations.

Advanced Automation for Efficiency

SAP Ariba excels in providing advanced automation features that streamline the procure-to-pay process, reducing manual errors and boosting productivity.

Key Features:

  • Guided Buying: Helps users make compliant purchasing decisions quickly and easily.
  • Spend Analysis: Provides detailed insights into spending patterns, helping businesses manage costs more effectively.
  • Preconfigured Workflows: Ensures compliance and efficiency with automated approval processes.

Seamless Integration for Smooth Operations

Ariba offers seamless integration with existing ERP systems, ensuring that all your procurement data is synchronized and accurate. This eliminates the disjointed processes and manual synchronization efforts associated with Concur.

Key Features:

  • ERP Integration: Ariba integrates smoothly with your ERP systems, providing a unified platform for all procurement activities.
  • Data Accuracy: Automated data synchronization ensures accuracy and reduces the risk of errors.

User-Friendly Interface Enhancing Productivity

SAP Ariba addresses the common user frustrations seen with Concur, providing an intuitive interface that simplifies procurement tasks and enhances productivity.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive Interface: Easy-to-use platform that reduces the learning curve for new users.
  • Effective Expense Management: Simplifies the process of managing multiple expenses and handling canceled transactions, saving time and reducing frustration.

Make the Switch to SAP Ariba Today

The limitations of Concur Invoicing can hold your business back, especially as you scale. SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing offers a more comprehensive, scalable, and user-friendly solution that addresses the real-world challenges you face. By making the switch, you can streamline your procurement processes, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.

Contact Us to learn more about how SAP Ariba can support your growth and transform your invoicing and procurement processes. Don’t let Concur’s limitations hinder your success. Upgrade to SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and experience the difference.

venture capital and procurement

Protecting Your Investment: The Role of Procure-to-Pay Solutions in Venture Capital Success

By Procurement No Comments

In speaking with countless VC and other investment groups, the same question comes up every time, “What can I do to protect the success of my investment?”. 

It’s a world rife with risk, no doubt – but also major returns.  To understand where one can find balance and a sense of security, let’s dig in.


The High-Risk Nature of Venture Capital Investments

Data from PitchBook revealed that approximately 3,200 venture-backed firms in the U.S. have closed their doors, with these startups having raised a staggering $27.2 billion.

This figure underscores the inherent risks associated with venture capital investments, where the failure rate is high, and the financial stakes are even higher.

While many investments fail, the success of a few can offset these losses and generate significant returns. This balance of risk and reward is a fundamental aspect of the venture capital model.

However, beyond the allure of potential high returns lies the critical issue of investment risk management.

Market, operational, technology, and financial risks pervade venture capital investments, with factors like market changes, product or service relevance, competition, and the startup team’s capabilities significantly influencing the success or failure of these investments.

The Importance of Operational Risk Management and Due Diligence

Operational risks, in particular, highlight the importance of effective spend management within the invested companies. An incomplete management team or a startup lacking in operational experience and focus can lead to poor financial management, including inefficient spend management. This inefficiency not only jeopardizes the startup’s success but also the VC’s investment.

To navigate these risks, venture capital firms employ comprehensive due diligence processes. These processes aim to evaluate the financial stability, market position, legal compliance, and operational capabilities of potential investments. The goal is to identify and mitigate risks, including those associated with poor spend management, before they can impact the return on investment.

The Challenge of Spend Management in Startups

Spend management is a critical operational component that often gets overlooked in the fast-paced environment of startups. However, the consequences of neglecting this area can be dire.

Ineffective spend management can lead to uncontrolled expenses, wasted resources, and ultimately, financial instability. This not only affects the startup’s growth potential but also exposes the venture capital firm to greater financial risk.

The Solution: Procure-to-Pay Systems

Enter procure-to-pay solutions like SAP Ariba™ Buying and Invoicing. These systems act as a safeguard for venture capital investments, ensuring that the funds are utilized efficiently and effectively. Procure-to-pay systems streamline the purchasing process, from procurement to payment, enhancing transparency and control over expenditures.

How SAP Ariba Can Protect VC Investments

1. Enhanced Spend Visibility: SAP Ariba provides a clear view of a company’s spending activities, enabling better financial planning and analysis. This visibility helps VCs ensure that their investments are being managed wisely, with funds allocated to strategic areas that drive growth and value.

2. Controlled Procurement Processes: By standardizing procurement processes, SAP Ariba reduces the risk of maverick spending and ensures compliance with financial policies. This control is crucial for startups, where every dollar spent needs to contribute to the company’s strategic objectives.

3. Efficient Workflow and Approval Processes: The automated workflow and approval processes in SAP Ariba reduce the time and effort required to manage purchases. This efficiency prevents bottlenecks and ensures that funds are deployed rapidly and effectively in areas where they are needed most.

4. Strategic Supplier Management: SAP Ariba’s Business Network consists of over 10M vendors, turning every purchase into an opportunity for savings and efficiency. This strategic vendor management helps in negotiating better terms, improving supply chain reliability, and reducing costs.

5. Risk Mitigation: This isn’t just about saving a few dollars; it’s about setting a standard for financial diligence that protects your investment at every turn.


By implementing a robust procure-to-pay solution like SAP Ariba, venture capital firms can significantly reduce the financial risks associated with their investments.

These systems ensure that the startups they invest in have the tools and processes needed to manage their finances effectively, thereby safeguarding the investment and maximizing the potential for a successful return.



To learn more about how SAP Ariba™ solutions can provide insurance on your investment, click here.

premikati sap ariba procurement

Mastering Procurement in 2024: A Quarter-by-Quarter Strategic Roadmap for Success

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An effective procurement strategy is more than just a way to cut costs; it’s a crucial driver of value and innovation.

As we step into a new year, let’s explore a comprehensive, quarter-by-quarter strategic roadmap that procurement professionals can leverage to elevate their operations, align with organizational goals, and stay ahead in an ever-changing market.


Q1: January – March: Foundation and Planning

  1. Assessment and Goal Setting (January)
    • Perform a granular analysis of last year’s procurement data, focusing on spending patterns, supplier performance, and compliance issues.
    • Collaborate with key departments to understand their procurement needs and challenges.
    • Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals that may include cost savings, process efficiency, and supplier diversity.
  2. Strategy Development (February)
    • Develop strategies tailored to different categories of procurement, considering both direct and indirect spending.
    • Incorporate risk management strategies, focusing on supply chain resilience and adaptability.
    • Plan for the integration of advanced tools like SAP Ariba, focusing on how they can enhance procurement operations.
  3. Implementation Planning (March)
    • Create detailed project plans, identifying milestones and key deliverables.
    • Develop training programs and materials for the procurement team and other involved stakeholders.
    • Establish a communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the implementation process.

Q2: April – June: Implementation and Optimization

  1. Process Implementation (April)
    • Start with a pilot program to test new processes in a controlled environment.
    • Establish feedback mechanisms to gather insights and make necessary adjustments.
    • Ensure compliance with both internal policies and external regulatory requirements.
  2. Supplier Relationship Management (May)
    • Develop a supplier segmentation strategy to identify key suppliers and manage them accordingly.
    • Initiate regular business reviews with key suppliers to discuss performance, opportunities, and challenges.
    • Look for opportunities to consolidate suppliers and negotiate better terms or bulk discounts.
  3. Performance Tracking and Optimization (June)
    • Utilize dashboards and reporting tools within SAP Ariba for real-time monitoring.
    • Conduct quarterly reviews to assess progress against goals and make adjustments as needed.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging team members to suggest and implement enhancements.

Q3: July – September: Expansion and Innovation

  1. Market Analysis and Expansion (July)
    • Conduct thorough research to identify emerging trends and new market opportunities.
    • Evaluate the potential risks and benefits of expanding into new markets or product categories.
    • Plan for the integration of new suppliers, ensuring they meet the organization’s quality and compliance standards.
  2. Innovation in Procurement (August)
    • Explore emerging technologies such as IoT, robotics, and AI, assessing their potential impact on procurement processes.
    • Encourage the team to participate in industry workshops and seminars to stay abreast of the latest trends.
    • Pilot innovative procurement practices on a small scale before wider implementation.
  3. Strategic Sourcing Initiatives (September)
    • Reassess sourcing strategies to ensure they align with current market conditions and business objectives.
    • Develop partnerships with suppliers to foster innovation and improve supply chain sustainability.
    • Implement category management to optimize the procurement of goods and services across different categories.

Q4: October – December: Review and Future Planning

  1. Performance Review (October)
    • Analyze key performance indicators in detail, comparing them against industry benchmarks and historical data.
    • Solicit feedback from internal customers and suppliers to gain a 360-degree view of procurement performance.
    • Identify key learnings and areas of improvement to inform future strategies.
  2. Budget Planning and Forecasting (November)
    • Collaborate with finance and other departments to align procurement budgeting with overall business objectives.
    • Use predictive analytics to forecast future spending trends and procurement needs.
    • Plan for contingencies, ensuring flexibility in the face of market changes or unexpected challenges.
  3. Setting Goals for the Next Year (December)
    • Develop goals that not only focus on cost savings but also on value creation, sustainability, and innovation.
    • Plan for technology upgrades or implementations in the coming year.
    • Align procurement goals with the broader strategic objectives of the organization.

Comprehensive Checklist of Action Items:

  • Perform detailed procurement data analysis.
  • Set SMART procurement goals.
  • Develop category-specific strategies.
  • Plan and implement advanced procurement tools.
  • Conduct pilot programs for new processes.
  • Establish strong supplier relationships and management strategies.
  • Utilize SAP Ariba™ for performance tracking.
  • Engage in continuous process optimization.
  • Conduct market analysis for expansion.
  • Pilot innovative procurement practices.
  • Implement strategic sourcing and category management.
  • Conduct detailed performance reviews.
  • Align procurement budgeting with business objectives.
  • Set goals for technology upgrades and innovation.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning.


By following this detailed roadmap and checklist, procurement teams can ensure a strategic, efficient, and value-driven approach throughout the year, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization.

digital transformation procurement Canada

Strategic Innovation in Canada

By Procurement No Comments

Navigating Digital Transformation in Procurement

In an era where technology profoundly shapes business landscapes, Canadian mid-market companies are not just participating in the digital revolution; they are leading it.

Particularly in the realm of procurement, digital transformation has become more than a trend—it’s a strategic imperative.

Thankfully, with initiatives like the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), companies have robust support to embark on this transformative journey.

The Canadian Mid-Market: A Landscape Ripe for Digital Revolution

Canada’s mid-market sector is diverse and dynamic, with a common thread running through its fabric—the need for effective, streamlined procurement processes.

Embracing digital transformation in procurement means more than integrating new technologies; it’s about redefining procurement’s role in driving business value.

Harnessing Emerging Technologies

Canadian mid-market companies are increasingly adopting technologies such as cloud computing, AI, and analytics. These tools not only bring efficiency and cost reduction but also enhance decision-making.

For instance, SAP Ariba™ offers a comprehensive procurement network that simplifies operations and strengthens supplier relationships.

Data-Driven Procurement

Data is the cornerstone of modern procurement.

Canadian companies are tapping into the power of analytics and AI to glean insights into spending patterns and market trends, facilitating strategic sourcing and effective risk management.

Navigating Challenges with the Canadian Digital Adoption Program

The path to digital transformation is fraught with challenges, such as the initial investment and the need for skilled personnel. Here, the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) plays a crucial role.

This initiative by the Canadian government aims to boost competitiveness among Canadian businesses by helping them adopt digital technologies.

CDAP: A Springboard for Digital Transformation

The CDAP provides grants and loans to help businesses adopt new technologies. It’s tailored to assist companies in implementing digital solutions and enhancing their online presence.

This support is invaluable for mid-market companies looking to modernize their procurement processes without the burden of overwhelming costs.

Tailoring Digital Solutions

Solutions like SAP Ariba™ offer scalable and customizable options to meet the diverse needs of mid-market companies. Whether it’s improving contract management or automating routine tasks, these solutions can be adapted to each company’s unique requirements.

Canadian Companies Leading Digital Adoption

Canadian mid-market companies are not just adopting digital transformation; they’re setting new standards in procurement efficiency and strategic sourcing. Success stories across the country demonstrate significant cost savings and operational improvements.

The Future of Procurement in Canada

The future of procurement is undeniably digital. With ongoing technological advancements and a growing emphasis on sustainability, Canadian mid-market companies are well-positioned to continue their leadership in this domain.

By leveraging digital transformation in procurement and utilizing resources like the Canadian Digital Adoption Program, these companies can unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency and innovation.

The future is here, and Canada’s mid-market companies are ready to seize it.

SAP Ariba for Private equity PREMIKATI

Enhancing Value Creation through Strategic Procurement

By Private Equity No Comments

Executive Summary

For private equity entities, the amplification of EBITDA is not merely a financial target—it’s a strategic imperative that commands a premium in the capital markets and enhances enterprise value.

Procurement, often an overlooked lever, presents a substantial opportunity for operational improvements that directly contribute to the EBITDA margin.

Spend Analysis: The Bedrock of Procurement Intelligence

An exhaustive analysis of procurement spend underpins the strategic blueprint for cost rationalization and value generation.

This analytical exercise furnishes an X-ray view into spending patterns, enabling the identification of inefficiencies and non-strategic expenditures, thereby setting the stage for a disciplined procurement strategy.

Optimization: Engineering a High-Performance Procurement Function

The reengineering of procurement processes is essential to achieving operational excellence.

Employing sophisticated digital solutions like SAP Ariba™, private equity firms can automate and optimize their procurement workflows, enhance supplier selection, and ensure policy compliance—fundamental to driving EBITDA improvement.

Strategic Sourcing: Capturing Value across the Investment Portfolio

Granular visibility into procurement data unlocks the potential for strategic sourcing initiatives that consolidate spend and harness the collective bargaining power of the portfolio.

This strategic consolidation is instrumental in driving down costs and standardizing quality, yielding significant savings.

Contract Management: Fortifying Against Risk

In the volatile landscape of private equity, mitigating risk is of paramount importance.

Advanced contract management systems act as a bulwark against contractual non-compliance and supplier risk, safeguarding the firm’s interests and reinforcing the foundation for a resilient EBITDA.

Supplier Stewardship: Curating a High-Caliber Vendor Ecosystem

Effective supplier management transcends transactional interactions, focusing on cultivating strategic partnerships that deliver both qualitative and quantitative benefits.

Utilizing sophisticated supplier management tools, firms can elevate supplier performance, ensuring alignment with the firm’s strategic objectives.

Cost Savings Realization: The EBITDA Multiplier

In procurement transformation, the realization of cost savings is a critical outcome.

Leveraging the robust analytics of SAP Ariba™ enables firms to quantify and communicate these savings, reinforcing procurement’s role as an EBITDA multiplier to internal and external stakeholders.

Procurement Managed Services: Augmenting Capabilities

For private equity firms that may lack specialized procurement infrastructure, engaging with expert procurement managed services like PREMIKATI offers a strategic advantage.

These outsourced capabilities enable firms to navigate procurement complexities efficiently, ensuring that they realize the intended value creation.

Value Creation: Procurement’s Broader Economic Impact

Procurement’s potential extends beyond mere cost containment to encompass broader economic value creation, such as driving innovation, promoting sustainability, and enhancing product and service quality—factors that contribute to a superior competitive position in the market.

SAP Ariba™: Enabling a Digital Procurement Transformation

SAP Ariba™ represents a technological vanguard in procurement innovation. Its integrated suite empowers PE firms with seamless, end-to-end procurement operations, delivering actionable insights that inform strategic decision-making and operational agility.

The PREMIKATI Proposition

With a storied legacy of Fortune 50 procurement expertise and a proven track record in deploying SAP Ariba™ solutions, PREMIKATI is strategically equipped to guide PE firms through the intricacies of procurement transformation, driving both savings and sustainable growth.

Conclusion: Procurement as a Catalyst for EBITDA Expansion

In the quest for EBITDA expansion, procurement stands out as a catalyst for change within private equity firms.

The strategic integration of SAP Ariba’s technology with PREMIKATI’s consulting acumen positions PE firms to rapidly realize a return on investment, setting a new benchmark in operational excellence and strategic procurement.


Procurement during fall and the holidays

Harnessing the Seasonal Shift: A Procurement Perspective on Fall and Holiday Dynamics

By Procurement No Comments


When the hues of autumn leaves signal a change in season, it’s more than a picturesque moment—it’s a cue for businesses to engage in a tactical ballet of procurement.

This isn’t just about buying extra supplies for the office holiday party. No, this time of year has profound effects on procurement, supply chain, and the overall rhyth of business.

Let’s dive into the seasonal nuances and discover how smart procurement strategies can transform these challenges into opportunities.

Forecasting the Holiday Hustle

Annually, the holiday period sees consumer spending skyrocket, with events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday marking high tides of consumerism.

Businesses must forecast this demand swell and ensure their supply chains can withstand the surge. Collaborating with suppliers, securing advantageous contracts, and employing sophisticated platforms such as SAP Ariba™ to manage the flux of supply and demand are critical measures.

Steering Through Supply Chain Turbulence

Autumn heralds not just a cascade of leaves but the climax of hurricane season, opening the act for winter’s disruptive performances.

Supply chain resilience in this period hinges on the availability of alternative suppliers, transparent communication, and instant visibility into inventories and shipments.

A dynamic, forward-thinking stance is essential, moving beyond reactivity into the realm of anticipatory strategy.

Capitalizing on Seasonal Supplier Promotions

Seasonal discounts and promotions are not exclusive to the retail domain; they’re a vein of gold for the astute procurement specialist.

Engaging with these timely offers can lead to improved rates and terms, slashing costs and sowing the seeds for future collaborative supplier partnerships.

The Art of Strategic Stockpiling

The holiday season often coincides with operational downtimes.

Wise stockpiling is imperative to circumvent potential standstills. Yet, this is a balancing act—overstocking is as much a faux pas as understocking. Here, procurement technologies offer the analytical acumen needed to maintain equilibrium.

Ethical Procurement: A Seasonal Reflection

The reflective nature of the holidays provides an opportune moment for businesses to reassess their procurement ethos, emphasizing sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Adopting such practices not only aligns with a growing consumer conscience but also contributes positively to the global ecosystem.

Post-Holiday Procurement Post-Mortem

As the holiday glitter settles, the imperative to evaluate and adapt becomes evident. Procurement professionals are tasked with dissecting the season’s performance to refine future strategies. This ethos of continuous enhancement, powered by the data analytics of tools like SAP Ariba™, positions companies to consistently outpace the competition.

In essence, the autumn and holiday seasons are punctuated with both trials and triumphs for procurement.

By remaining nimble, embracing innovative technologies, and nurturing solid supplier relationships, businesses can transcend seasonal challenges, paving the way for a flourishing start to the New Year.

CFOs and Indirect Spend

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Transforming Procurement: The Strategic Role of CFOs in Managing Indirect Spend

In the dynamic landscape of procurement, the role of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) has evolved significantly, especially in the realm of indirect procurement.

At PREMIKATI, we understand the intricacies of this evolution and its impact on businesses. This article delves into the collaborative efforts needed between CFOs and CPOs to harness control over indirect spending and explores who should drive robust management in this area.

The Shift in Procurement Dynamics

Traditionally, procurement functions have focused on direct materials – those essential for producing goods or delivering services. However, with the acceleration of digital transformation, the focus has shifted towards a more strategic approach to procurement.

This is particularly true for indirect procurement, encompassing areas like travel, logistics, IT, and maintenance. These categories, often comprising a significant portion of revenue, demand an innovative approach to unlock their hidden value.

Navigating Indirect Spend

Indirect spend, unlike direct spend, deals with the broader costs of operating a business. It requires a unique approach, one that involves changing behaviors across an organization. For CFOs and CPOs, the challenge lies in balancing immediate cost reductions with the potential for greater long-term savings through strategic procurement.

Despite its importance, indirect spend often receives less attention in the procurement strategy. This oversight can result in missed opportunities for cost savings and efficiency gains. As companies continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape, optimizing indirect spend has become more crucial than ever.

Strategic Actions for Enhanced Indirect Procurement

To bring indirect procurement into sharper focus, CFOs and CPOs might consider:

  1. Separating Indirect from Direct Spend: Distinct handling of indirect suppliers can lead to more targeted cost control strategies.
  2. Leadership Over Indirect Spending: Placing a dedicated head of indirect procurement under the CFO can facilitate better oversight and strategic planning.
  3. Enhanced Relationships with Stakeholders: Building strong connections with non-procurement stakeholders can lead to more effective contract management and supplier relationships.
  4. Defining the CFO’s Role in Cost Reduction: CFOs should oversee the monitoring of contracts and compliance, ensuring cost savings are effectively captured and utilized.
  5. Leveraging Technology for Greater Visibility and Efficiency: Implementing technology solutions can streamline indirect spend management, enhancing compliance and reducing unnecessary expenditures.

The Road Ahead

As companies emerge from challenging times, the transformation of indirect procurement presents a new frontier for cost savings and efficiency.

This transition, however, requires careful management and alignment of goals between CFOs and CPOs.

By applying strategic insights and leveraging technology, companies can turn indirect procurement into a valuable asset, contributing significantly to the bottom line.

procurement blueprint

Your Procurement Blueprint

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Embarking on the Journey of Strategic Procurement: Crafting Your Blueprint for Success


In the grand scheme of business operations, procurement often takes a backseat in the limelight, yet it remains a cornerstone of a company’s strategic foundation. This pivotal process, if navigated with foresight and finesse, can propel a business to new heights of efficiency and financial prowess.

The question then arises: What does your Procurement Blueprint look like, and how does it integrate within the larger vision of your enterprise?

Understanding the Essence of a Procurement Blueprint

Procurement, when envisioned as a blueprint, suggests a strategic, systematic approach akin to an architect’s detailed plan for a building.

It’s a comprehensive design that details every beam and bolt of the procurement function — from process mapping to technology integration. This blueprint is the silent sentinel of your supply chain, ensuring every aspect is meticulously orchestrated and aligned with your business’s heartbeat.

The Architectural Parallel: Procurement and Building Design

Just as an architect meticulously plans each aspect of a building’s construction, a procurement blueprint outlines each stage of the procurement cycle with precision. We’re talking about a step-by-step guide, from supplier selection and contract negotiation to purchase order management and performance evaluation.

Each phase is pivotal, akin to the foundational layers of a high-rise. Take supplier selection — it’s not merely about who can give you the best price, but who aligns with your quality standards, ethical practices, and delivery schedules.

Contract negotiation is about crafting agreements that are flexible yet robust, ensuring they weather market fluctuations and unforeseen events. Purchase order management is the logistics ballet, where timing is everything, and performance evaluation is the retrospective analysis that sharpens your blueprint for future builds.

Incorporating Best Practices and Technology

A procurement blueprint is not static; it’s a living document that evolves with best practices and technological advancements. Leveraging technology, such as SAP Ariba™, is like choosing the right materials for construction — it can make or break the efficiency and resilience of your procurement operations.

SAP Ariba, for instance, streamlines procurement by providing end-to-end automated solutions, reducing manual errors, and saving time. It allows for better supplier management, contract compliance, and spend analysis, turning data into actionable insights. By integrating such technology, your blueprint is not just a plan; it’s a high-powered engine driving your procurement process.

Tailoring to Fit: The Customization of Your Blueprint

No two companies are the same, and neither should their procurement blueprints be. Your blueprint should be a tailored suit, fitting the contours of your company’s needs and strategy. It’s about understanding your company’s unique market position, internal processes, and long-term goals.

Customization means scrutinizing the supply chain to identify areas for cost savings, efficiency improvements, and risk mitigation. It’s also about aligning procurement objectives with overall business goals, whether that’s market expansion, sustainability, or innovation.

The Foundation: Building a Strong Procurement Framework

At its core, a procurement blueprint lays the groundwork for a robust procurement operation. It builds a strong foundation that supports the weight of supply chain optimization and delivers tangible value through cost savings and efficiency.

A well-structured blueprint not only guides current operations but also equips your company to adapt to changes in the market, technology, and regulatory environments. It’s a tool that helps manage risks and seize opportunities, ensuring procurement is an enabler of growth, not a bottleneck.

The Outcome: Value Creation and Strategic Advantage

The true worth of a procurement blueprint lies in the value it creates for the company. It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about investing in relationships, quality, and innovation. It’s about strategic sourcing that aligns with company values and goals, creating a competitive advantage.

A robust procurement strategy can lead to improved supplier relationships, where partners are engaged in a collaborative, win-win relationship. It can streamline operations, reduce cycle times, and enhance the company’s ability to respond to market demands.

Your Blueprint, Your Legacy

Just as a building’s blueprint is critical to its structural integrity and functionality, so too is a procurement blueprint to a company’s operational and financial health. A well-crafted procurement blueprint is not just a reflection of your company’s current practices; it’s a roadmap to where you want to go and the legacy you wish to build.

As we delve into the intricacies of creating such a blueprint, we must ask ourselves: Are we merely laying bricks and mortar, or are we sculpting the future skyline of our business? The answer lies in the strength of your procurement blueprint — your strategic masterplan for procurement excellence.

Premikati SAP Ariba Gold Partner

Kickoff Time: What Procurement Pros Can Learn From Football Season

By Procurement No Comments

Summer is winding down, school is back in session, and a chill is in the air – that can only mean football season has arrived!

As both college and professional teams take the field this fall, there are valuable insights procurement professionals can gain from the gridiron.

Even if you aren’t a devoted football fan, the lessons from this beloved sport can help take your procurement game to the next level.

Build a Championship Team

A “dream team” procurement organization isn’t built overnight like a top football program. It takes a thoughtful draft strategy, constantly evaluating needs versus available talent. Creating depth and competence across the function requires mixing promising rookies with veteran players who know how to do the job.

Procurement managers must regularly assess gaps, recruit standout new team members, and develop rising stars.

Investing in training and development will strengthen the bench. And just as a football team strives for unity, a collaborative, tight-knit procurement group will outshine a disjointed roster.

Be Ready for Any Play

Broken plays and audibles are par for the course on the football field. Running backs have to quickly change direction to dodge tackles. Quarterbacks adjust on the fly and find new targets downfield. Procurement pros know things sometimes go differently than planned, too.

Supply chain disruptions, new regulations, mergers and acquisitions, emerging tech, and shifting stakeholder needs can force changes to supplier timelines, agreements, and processes. Like skilled players, procurement teams must think fast, pivot, and adapt to the dynamic environment.

Mastering the art of agility turns challenges into fresh opportunities.

Go Deep on Analysis

Coaches and players spend hours reviewing game film, analyzing strengths and weaknesses, tendencies, and patterns. This intensive prep work is vital in forming a winning strategy. Procurement should adopt the same laser focus when assessing suppliers and markets.

Detailed spend and risk analysis will spotlight sourcing priorities to tackle. Digging into customer feedback and usage metrics will pinpoint where demand is headed. And performance data will indicate which suppliers are all-star players versus underperformers.

Just like coaches mapping out plays, solid analytics position procurement to make the right moves.

Teamwork Scores Big Results

On the football field, it takes cohesion, communication, and coordination across the team to score. Hand-offs, blocks, fakes, catches, and more – every player fulfilling their role is critical to driving the ball down the field.

Procurement wins when there is alignment across the business, too. Including stakeholders early, maintaining open dialog, and earning buy-in helps procurement execute sourcing strategies smoothly.

Cross-functional collaboration also provides a more accurate view of organizational needs and the best path to meet them. Unified teamwork is a proven game-winning approach.

Foster a Championship Culture

The best college and professional football franchises have a winning tradition that sets a tone of excellence and continuous improvement. Players and coaches set high standards and do whatever it takes to achieve them.

Procurement groups can also establish cultural benchmarks, adopt best practices, and create an environment where team members feel valued and motivated to succeed. Whether it’s celebrating cost-saving wins, advancing skills through training, or giving back to the community, creating procurement team pride and unity will pay dividends.

Keep Eyes on the Prize

Of course, every football team is laser-focused on one ultimate objective – to win the league championship! Though the season is long, every practice, play, and decision aims to inch closer to the prize.

Similarly, procurement needs to keep the big-picture goals on the scoreboard. Is it cost mitigation, risk reduction, user satisfaction, or sustainable supply chains? Despite day-to-day tasks, maintaining perspective on desired outcomes and aligning strategies to get there will ensure procurement eyes the right prize.

So, as you follow football this season, notice lessons from the gridiron that could raise your procurement organization’s game.

With preparation, adaptability, analytics, teamwork, culture, and strategic vision, your procurement program will be positioned to score big wins all season long!


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