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Overcoming Concur Invoicing Challenges: Why SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing is the Upgrade You Need

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As businesses grow, the tools and systems that once served them well can start to fall short. This is particularly true for companies using Concur Invoicing.

While Concur is a solid solution for managing expenses and travel, many growing enterprises find themselves outgrowing its capabilities, facing rising costs, and encountering new inefficiencies.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the real-world pain points of Concur Invoicing and explain why SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing is the ideal upgrade for scaling businesses.

The Hidden Costs of Growth with Concur Invoicing

When your company was smaller, Concur Invoicing likely provided an effective solution for managing expenses and travel. However, as your business scales, so do the costs associated with using Concur. This escalation in expenses can become a significant financial burden.

Real-World Scenario: Consider a mid-sized company that initially found Concur to be a cost-effective solution. As they expanded, the increased volume of transactions and the need for more comprehensive invoicing features meant higher costs. What was once an economical choice began to strain their budget, reducing their overall profitability.


  • Higher Operational Costs: The pricing structure of Concur Invoicing becomes less favorable as transaction volumes increase.
  • Reduced Profit Margins: Increased costs directly impact the bottom line, limiting funds that could be used for growth and innovation.

Limited Advanced Features for Complex Needs

Concur Invoicing is known for its user-friendly interface and robust travel and expense management capabilities. However, it often falls short in providing the advanced procurement features that growing businesses require.

Real-World Scenario: A company with complex procurement needs might struggle with Concur’s limited functionalities. They may need detailed spend analytics and comprehensive supplier management tools to manage their procurement processes effectively. Without these advanced features, they risk inefficiencies and compliance issues.


  • Inefficiencies: Lack of advanced features can lead to manual workarounds and process delays.
  • Compliance Risks: Inadequate procurement management tools can result in non-compliance with internal policies and external regulations.

Integration Challenges Leading to Disjointed Processes

Integrating Concur Invoicing with existing ERP systems can be a significant challenge for growing businesses. This lack of seamless integration often results in disjointed processes, increased manual effort, and potential errors in invoicing.

Real-World Scenario: A company attempting to integrate Concur with their broader ERP systems may face numerous hurdles. Disjointed processes and manual data synchronization efforts can lead to delays and errors, negatively impacting operational efficiency.


  • Operational Delays: Manual synchronization processes slow down operations.
  • Data Inaccuracies: Increased risk of errors due to manual data handling.

User Frustrations Hampering Productivity

User experience is crucial for the efficiency of any invoicing system. Many Concur users report frustrations with its interface, especially when managing multiple expenses or handling canceled transactions. These pain points can lead to wasted time and reduced productivity.

Real-World Scenario: Employees using Concur Invoicing often struggle with managing multiple expenses due to the inability to apply the same image to multiple entries. Additionally, handling canceled transactions that have already been paid can be cumbersome and time-consuming.


  • Wasted Time: Users spend more time managing expenses, reducing overall productivity.
  • Employee Dissatisfaction: Frustrations with the system can lead to lower morale and higher turnover.

The Solution: SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing

For businesses looking to overcome these challenges, SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing offers a comprehensive and scalable solution. Let’s explore how Ariba addresses the pain points of Concur Invoicing and provides a more robust platform for growing enterprises.

Scalable and Cost-Effective

Unlike Concur, SAP Ariba is designed to scale with your business. Whether you’re a small company or a large enterprise, Ariba offers a flexible and cost-effective solution that adapts to your needs.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Pricing: Ariba’s pricing structure is designed to be cost-effective for businesses of all sizes, ensuring that you only pay for what you need.
  • Adaptability: As your business grows, Ariba scales with you, providing the necessary tools and features to support your expanding operations.

Advanced Automation for Efficiency

SAP Ariba excels in providing advanced automation features that streamline the procure-to-pay process, reducing manual errors and boosting productivity.

Key Features:

  • Guided Buying: Helps users make compliant purchasing decisions quickly and easily.
  • Spend Analysis: Provides detailed insights into spending patterns, helping businesses manage costs more effectively.
  • Preconfigured Workflows: Ensures compliance and efficiency with automated approval processes.

Seamless Integration for Smooth Operations

Ariba offers seamless integration with existing ERP systems, ensuring that all your procurement data is synchronized and accurate. This eliminates the disjointed processes and manual synchronization efforts associated with Concur.

Key Features:

  • ERP Integration: Ariba integrates smoothly with your ERP systems, providing a unified platform for all procurement activities.
  • Data Accuracy: Automated data synchronization ensures accuracy and reduces the risk of errors.

User-Friendly Interface Enhancing Productivity

SAP Ariba addresses the common user frustrations seen with Concur, providing an intuitive interface that simplifies procurement tasks and enhances productivity.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive Interface: Easy-to-use platform that reduces the learning curve for new users.
  • Effective Expense Management: Simplifies the process of managing multiple expenses and handling canceled transactions, saving time and reducing frustration.

Make the Switch to SAP Ariba Today

The limitations of Concur Invoicing can hold your business back, especially as you scale. SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing offers a more comprehensive, scalable, and user-friendly solution that addresses the real-world challenges you face. By making the switch, you can streamline your procurement processes, reduce costs, and enhance productivity.

Contact Us to learn more about how SAP Ariba can support your growth and transform your invoicing and procurement processes. Don’t let Concur’s limitations hinder your success. Upgrade to SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and experience the difference.

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Mastering Procurement in 2024: A Quarter-by-Quarter Strategic Roadmap for Success

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An effective procurement strategy is more than just a way to cut costs; it’s a crucial driver of value and innovation.

As we step into a new year, let’s explore a comprehensive, quarter-by-quarter strategic roadmap that procurement professionals can leverage to elevate their operations, align with organizational goals, and stay ahead in an ever-changing market.


Q1: January – March: Foundation and Planning

  1. Assessment and Goal Setting (January)
    • Perform a granular analysis of last year’s procurement data, focusing on spending patterns, supplier performance, and compliance issues.
    • Collaborate with key departments to understand their procurement needs and challenges.
    • Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals that may include cost savings, process efficiency, and supplier diversity.
  2. Strategy Development (February)
    • Develop strategies tailored to different categories of procurement, considering both direct and indirect spending.
    • Incorporate risk management strategies, focusing on supply chain resilience and adaptability.
    • Plan for the integration of advanced tools like SAP Ariba, focusing on how they can enhance procurement operations.
  3. Implementation Planning (March)
    • Create detailed project plans, identifying milestones and key deliverables.
    • Develop training programs and materials for the procurement team and other involved stakeholders.
    • Establish a communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the implementation process.

Q2: April – June: Implementation and Optimization

  1. Process Implementation (April)
    • Start with a pilot program to test new processes in a controlled environment.
    • Establish feedback mechanisms to gather insights and make necessary adjustments.
    • Ensure compliance with both internal policies and external regulatory requirements.
  2. Supplier Relationship Management (May)
    • Develop a supplier segmentation strategy to identify key suppliers and manage them accordingly.
    • Initiate regular business reviews with key suppliers to discuss performance, opportunities, and challenges.
    • Look for opportunities to consolidate suppliers and negotiate better terms or bulk discounts.
  3. Performance Tracking and Optimization (June)
    • Utilize dashboards and reporting tools within SAP Ariba for real-time monitoring.
    • Conduct quarterly reviews to assess progress against goals and make adjustments as needed.
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging team members to suggest and implement enhancements.

Q3: July – September: Expansion and Innovation

  1. Market Analysis and Expansion (July)
    • Conduct thorough research to identify emerging trends and new market opportunities.
    • Evaluate the potential risks and benefits of expanding into new markets or product categories.
    • Plan for the integration of new suppliers, ensuring they meet the organization’s quality and compliance standards.
  2. Innovation in Procurement (August)
    • Explore emerging technologies such as IoT, robotics, and AI, assessing their potential impact on procurement processes.
    • Encourage the team to participate in industry workshops and seminars to stay abreast of the latest trends.
    • Pilot innovative procurement practices on a small scale before wider implementation.
  3. Strategic Sourcing Initiatives (September)
    • Reassess sourcing strategies to ensure they align with current market conditions and business objectives.
    • Develop partnerships with suppliers to foster innovation and improve supply chain sustainability.
    • Implement category management to optimize the procurement of goods and services across different categories.

Q4: October – December: Review and Future Planning

  1. Performance Review (October)
    • Analyze key performance indicators in detail, comparing them against industry benchmarks and historical data.
    • Solicit feedback from internal customers and suppliers to gain a 360-degree view of procurement performance.
    • Identify key learnings and areas of improvement to inform future strategies.
  2. Budget Planning and Forecasting (November)
    • Collaborate with finance and other departments to align procurement budgeting with overall business objectives.
    • Use predictive analytics to forecast future spending trends and procurement needs.
    • Plan for contingencies, ensuring flexibility in the face of market changes or unexpected challenges.
  3. Setting Goals for the Next Year (December)
    • Develop goals that not only focus on cost savings but also on value creation, sustainability, and innovation.
    • Plan for technology upgrades or implementations in the coming year.
    • Align procurement goals with the broader strategic objectives of the organization.

Comprehensive Checklist of Action Items:

  • Perform detailed procurement data analysis.
  • Set SMART procurement goals.
  • Develop category-specific strategies.
  • Plan and implement advanced procurement tools.
  • Conduct pilot programs for new processes.
  • Establish strong supplier relationships and management strategies.
  • Utilize SAP Ariba™ for performance tracking.
  • Engage in continuous process optimization.
  • Conduct market analysis for expansion.
  • Pilot innovative procurement practices.
  • Implement strategic sourcing and category management.
  • Conduct detailed performance reviews.
  • Align procurement budgeting with business objectives.
  • Set goals for technology upgrades and innovation.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning.


By following this detailed roadmap and checklist, procurement teams can ensure a strategic, efficient, and value-driven approach throughout the year, ultimately contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization.

Procurement during fall and the holidays

Harnessing the Seasonal Shift: A Procurement Perspective on Fall and Holiday Dynamics

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When the hues of autumn leaves signal a change in season, it’s more than a picturesque moment—it’s a cue for businesses to engage in a tactical ballet of procurement.

This isn’t just about buying extra supplies for the office holiday party. No, this time of year has profound effects on procurement, supply chain, and the overall rhyth of business.

Let’s dive into the seasonal nuances and discover how smart procurement strategies can transform these challenges into opportunities.

Forecasting the Holiday Hustle

Annually, the holiday period sees consumer spending skyrocket, with events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday marking high tides of consumerism.

Businesses must forecast this demand swell and ensure their supply chains can withstand the surge. Collaborating with suppliers, securing advantageous contracts, and employing sophisticated platforms such as SAP Ariba™ to manage the flux of supply and demand are critical measures.

Steering Through Supply Chain Turbulence

Autumn heralds not just a cascade of leaves but the climax of hurricane season, opening the act for winter’s disruptive performances.

Supply chain resilience in this period hinges on the availability of alternative suppliers, transparent communication, and instant visibility into inventories and shipments.

A dynamic, forward-thinking stance is essential, moving beyond reactivity into the realm of anticipatory strategy.

Capitalizing on Seasonal Supplier Promotions

Seasonal discounts and promotions are not exclusive to the retail domain; they’re a vein of gold for the astute procurement specialist.

Engaging with these timely offers can lead to improved rates and terms, slashing costs and sowing the seeds for future collaborative supplier partnerships.

The Art of Strategic Stockpiling

The holiday season often coincides with operational downtimes.

Wise stockpiling is imperative to circumvent potential standstills. Yet, this is a balancing act—overstocking is as much a faux pas as understocking. Here, procurement technologies offer the analytical acumen needed to maintain equilibrium.

Ethical Procurement: A Seasonal Reflection

The reflective nature of the holidays provides an opportune moment for businesses to reassess their procurement ethos, emphasizing sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Adopting such practices not only aligns with a growing consumer conscience but also contributes positively to the global ecosystem.

Post-Holiday Procurement Post-Mortem

As the holiday glitter settles, the imperative to evaluate and adapt becomes evident. Procurement professionals are tasked with dissecting the season’s performance to refine future strategies. This ethos of continuous enhancement, powered by the data analytics of tools like SAP Ariba™, positions companies to consistently outpace the competition.

In essence, the autumn and holiday seasons are punctuated with both trials and triumphs for procurement.

By remaining nimble, embracing innovative technologies, and nurturing solid supplier relationships, businesses can transcend seasonal challenges, paving the way for a flourishing start to the New Year.

procurement blueprint

Your Procurement Blueprint

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Embarking on the Journey of Strategic Procurement: Crafting Your Blueprint for Success


In the grand scheme of business operations, procurement often takes a backseat in the limelight, yet it remains a cornerstone of a company’s strategic foundation. This pivotal process, if navigated with foresight and finesse, can propel a business to new heights of efficiency and financial prowess.

The question then arises: What does your Procurement Blueprint look like, and how does it integrate within the larger vision of your enterprise?

Understanding the Essence of a Procurement Blueprint

Procurement, when envisioned as a blueprint, suggests a strategic, systematic approach akin to an architect’s detailed plan for a building.

It’s a comprehensive design that details every beam and bolt of the procurement function — from process mapping to technology integration. This blueprint is the silent sentinel of your supply chain, ensuring every aspect is meticulously orchestrated and aligned with your business’s heartbeat.

The Architectural Parallel: Procurement and Building Design

Just as an architect meticulously plans each aspect of a building’s construction, a procurement blueprint outlines each stage of the procurement cycle with precision. We’re talking about a step-by-step guide, from supplier selection and contract negotiation to purchase order management and performance evaluation.

Each phase is pivotal, akin to the foundational layers of a high-rise. Take supplier selection — it’s not merely about who can give you the best price, but who aligns with your quality standards, ethical practices, and delivery schedules.

Contract negotiation is about crafting agreements that are flexible yet robust, ensuring they weather market fluctuations and unforeseen events. Purchase order management is the logistics ballet, where timing is everything, and performance evaluation is the retrospective analysis that sharpens your blueprint for future builds.

Incorporating Best Practices and Technology

A procurement blueprint is not static; it’s a living document that evolves with best practices and technological advancements. Leveraging technology, such as SAP Ariba™, is like choosing the right materials for construction — it can make or break the efficiency and resilience of your procurement operations.

SAP Ariba, for instance, streamlines procurement by providing end-to-end automated solutions, reducing manual errors, and saving time. It allows for better supplier management, contract compliance, and spend analysis, turning data into actionable insights. By integrating such technology, your blueprint is not just a plan; it’s a high-powered engine driving your procurement process.

Tailoring to Fit: The Customization of Your Blueprint

No two companies are the same, and neither should their procurement blueprints be. Your blueprint should be a tailored suit, fitting the contours of your company’s needs and strategy. It’s about understanding your company’s unique market position, internal processes, and long-term goals.

Customization means scrutinizing the supply chain to identify areas for cost savings, efficiency improvements, and risk mitigation. It’s also about aligning procurement objectives with overall business goals, whether that’s market expansion, sustainability, or innovation.

The Foundation: Building a Strong Procurement Framework

At its core, a procurement blueprint lays the groundwork for a robust procurement operation. It builds a strong foundation that supports the weight of supply chain optimization and delivers tangible value through cost savings and efficiency.

A well-structured blueprint not only guides current operations but also equips your company to adapt to changes in the market, technology, and regulatory environments. It’s a tool that helps manage risks and seize opportunities, ensuring procurement is an enabler of growth, not a bottleneck.

The Outcome: Value Creation and Strategic Advantage

The true worth of a procurement blueprint lies in the value it creates for the company. It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about investing in relationships, quality, and innovation. It’s about strategic sourcing that aligns with company values and goals, creating a competitive advantage.

A robust procurement strategy can lead to improved supplier relationships, where partners are engaged in a collaborative, win-win relationship. It can streamline operations, reduce cycle times, and enhance the company’s ability to respond to market demands.

Your Blueprint, Your Legacy

Just as a building’s blueprint is critical to its structural integrity and functionality, so too is a procurement blueprint to a company’s operational and financial health. A well-crafted procurement blueprint is not just a reflection of your company’s current practices; it’s a roadmap to where you want to go and the legacy you wish to build.

As we delve into the intricacies of creating such a blueprint, we must ask ourselves: Are we merely laying bricks and mortar, or are we sculpting the future skyline of our business? The answer lies in the strength of your procurement blueprint — your strategic masterplan for procurement excellence.

Premikati Reaches Inc. 5000

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Premikati Inc. is pleased to announce its inclusion in the prestigious Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in the United States for 2023.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, UNITED STATES, August 15, 2023/EINPresswire/ — Premikati, a beacon of innovation and a dominant force in procurement management consulting is elated to announce its inclusion in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in the United States. This highly sought-after distinction places Premikati among a select echelon of forward-thinking organizations that are not only shaping business trends but also pioneering unexplored avenues within the industry.

Inc. 5000 Reward
The Inc. 5000 list represents companies that have driven rapid revenue growth while navigating inflationary pressure, the rising costs of capital, and seemingly intractable hiring challenges. Facebook, Chobani, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other household names gained exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000 list. Companies are ranked according to their revenue growth rate over three years. To qualify for the 2023 Inc. 5000 list, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2019. They must be U.S.-based, privately held, for-profit, and independent as of December 31, 2022. This year’s Inc. 5000 companies have added 1,187,266 jobs to the economy over the past three years.

“Our place on the Inc. 5000 list is not just a testament to our growth but a validation of our commitment to relentless innovation and excellence,” affirmed Marisol Buchanan, CEO of Premikati. “We see this recognition as both an honor and a challenge to continue pushing the boundaries of procurement technology and client satisfaction.”

The Culture

Premikati, with its diverse team of procurement professionals and deep-rooted expertise in SAP Ariba™, has been at the forefront of technological advancements. By merging traditional procurement wisdom with modern technological tools, Premikati crafts solutions that transcend ordinary boundaries, ensuring client success.

In recent years, the company has not only demonstrated significant growth but has also unveiled groundbreaking innovations that reinforce Premikati’s status as a visionary leader in the industry. The inclusion in the Inc. 5000 list exemplifies the company’s unwavering focus on creative problem-solving, customer-centric approaches, and dedication to cultivating a culture of continuous innovation across a variety of industries, including Life Sciences, Consumer Products and Goods, High-Tech, Wholesale Distribution, Healthcare, as well as the Private Equity space.

“The future of our company is incredibly bright,” continued Marisol. “With a dedication to inventiveness and adaptability, we look forward to further enriching our portfolio of services, venturing into new markets, and maintaining our reputation as an industry trailblazer.”

About Premikati
Premikati is a leading procurement management consulting firm, specializing in entire procurement business and legal process outsourcing and implementing SAP Ariba and Icertis software. In Indianapolis, Indiana, Premikati’s commitment to innovation sets it apart, offering tailored solutions that marry the latest technological advancements with timeless business wisdom. Premikati paves the way for clients to achieve growth through efficiency and insight.

Procurement Contracts

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Procurement contracts are more than mere pieces of paper requiring a signature; they are the bedrock of successful business transactions and play a vital role in procurement.

What is a Procurement Contract?

A procurement contract is an agreement between a buyer and a supplier to manage a project. This agreement obligates the supplier to provide the necessary materials and services at an agreed price, providing the foundation for successful project execution.

The Procurement Process: More Than Just Buying

The procurement process often starts with the buyer, who must determine whether a potential supplier can meet their needs. Through this process, the most suitable supplier for a project is selected, helping to minimize procurement fraud and misunderstandings down the line.

Why Are Procurement Contracts Important?

Procurement contracts are crucial to business transactions. They contain all negotiated terms and conditions, including payment details, a list of orders, delivery schedules, and correction measures. By fostering trust between the buyer and supplier, these contracts safeguard both parties from fraud and misrepresentation, ensuring smooth project management.

Advantages of Procurement Contracts

  1. Transparency: Procurement contracts establish transparency between the buyer and supplier, preventing deception and building a solid relationship. Full disclosure of prices and receipts strengthens the bond between both parties.
  2. Clarity: With everything stipulated in the contract, misunderstandings are minimized. Both the buyer and supplier understand their obligations, promoting cooperation and diligence in their performance.
  3. Legal Protection: Both parties are liable to perform their duties under the contract. Legal actions can be taken against a party that intends to defraud, providing safety in every business transaction.

Different Types of Procurement Contracts

  1. Fixed-price Contract: This is the most common type of contract used in business transactions. Regardless of any internal or external factors, the price set during the signing of the contract remains constant until the project ends.
  2. Cost-reimbursement Contracts: Here, the buyer agrees to pay the supplier for the direct and indirect costs of the project. The supplier only gets paid once the expenses have been validated, placing much of the risk on the supplier’s side.
  3. Time and Materials Contract: This type of contract reimburses the vendor for the materials and time spent on a project. It is most commonly used on projects that are not easily quantifiable.

With the rise of technology, procurement processes are becoming increasingly streamlined and data-driven, leading to optimized spending and reduced risk.

Tools like Icertis and SAP Ariba’s Contract Management Software are revolutionizing this space by providing contract intelligence and services that drive compliance, minimize risk, and maximize business impact.

In an ever-evolving business landscape, understanding and leveraging the power of procurement contracts is a vital strategy for any organization, particularly for finance and procurement executives in the midmarket and large enterprise space.


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The Power of Automation: Unleashing Efficiency with SAP Ariba Commerce Automation

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Businesses today are realizing the urgent need for procurement and spend management innovation. Key decision-makers, particularly those in finance and procurement, seek solutions to streamline processes, boost efficiency, and improve organizational visibility. This is where SAP Ariba Commerce Automation enters the scene. 

 What is SAP Ariba Commerce Automation? 

SAP Ariba Commerce Automation is a solution designed to supercharge your procurement processes through powerful automation. Its primary goal is to enhance operational efficiency and ensure a steady supply chain by improving spend visibility and fostering efficient collaboration with suppliers. 

It’s a solution recognized for its innovation and effectiveness, with SAP being recognized as a leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Procure-to-Pay (P2P) suites for the seventh consecutive time. 

Key Features: A Deep Dive 

SAP Ariba Commerce Automation comes with a suite of features designed to optimize procurement operations: 

  • Regulatory and Business Process Compliance: The solution ensures digital matching of invoices to POs and contracts, thus enabling compliance with regulatory requirements through e-invoicing. Transactions are validated based on configured business rules, reducing manual intervention and exceptions. 
  • Automated Procurement Workflows: The solution automates manual processes, freeing up workforce capacity, decreasing operating costs, and increasing productivity. It also enables digital delivery of POs to suppliers across a business network. 
  • Supplier Portal: The portal allows suppliers to flip a received PO on the network into an invoice, eliminating data entry and other errors. It also gives suppliers a view into invoice status updates, reducing inquiries. 
  • Invoice Status Portal and Transaction Visibility: This feature provides visibility into orders and invoices with a holistic view of spend. It allows suppliers to configure notifications to receive emails when their invoice status changes, promoting adoption for long-tail suppliers through self-service updates and invoice visibility. 

Impressive Benefits 

The benefits of SAP Ariba Commerce Automation are as significant as its features. These benefits include: 

  • Improved Procurement Compliance: The solution supports business process compliance with highly configurable business rules on the network. 
  • Automation of Spend Management Processes: The solution enhances productivity, lowers operating costs, and frees up people’s capacity by automating paper-based and manual processes. 
  • Increased Transparency of Business Spending: The solution provides a holistic view of organizational spending with greater visibility into orders and invoices in one platform. 

Recent Innovations and Future Outlook 

SAP is not resting on its laurels. Recent innovations and planned updates include: 

  1. Guided Buying: The next evolution in guided buying is here. The new capabilities improve the buying experience and leverage AI, intelligent recommendations, and machine learning. This creates a holistic view of what the buyer is purchasing and how it aligns with their organization’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. 
  1. SAP Central Procurement: The latest release of SAP Central Procurement addresses the challenges associated with centralizing procurement. It delivers the benefits of a uniform, centralized procurement system across all direct and indirect categories — without reworking individual solutions spread across the organization. 
  1. SAP Category Management: A new category management solution, SAP Category Management, is set to roll out this year. It will provide actionable market intelligence and category insights, empowering category managers and procurement professionals to make strategic category decisions. 


Statistics Highlighting the Importance of Procurement Optimization 

To underscore the significance of these advancements, let’s consider some compelling statistics: 

  1. Companies that excel at procurement have 20% lower costs, less supply chain disruption, and up to 55% fewer supplier defects (Source: The Hackett Group).
  2. High-performing procurement organizations operate at up to 21% lower labor costs (Source: The Hackett Group).
  3. According to Gartner, by 2023, organizations that have adopted AI in their supply chain management strategy will reduce errors by up to 50%. 


From the rollout of SAP Category Management to the enhanced supplier management and the integration of AI and machine learning, SAP is poised to redefine procurement and supply chain management. 

As procurement professionals, we must stay abreast of these developments, leverage these innovative solutions, and drive strategic value and business outcomes in our organizations. 

Macro Finance and Procurement

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Macro Financial Concerns and Procurement in 2023: Are You Ready? 

The year 2023 has presented itself as a period of financial restraint, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) echoed. Global growth is forecasted to fall from 3.4 percent in 2022 to 2.8 percent in 2023, and a more pronounced slowdown in advanced economies demonstrates a tightening macro-financial landscape.  

Furthermore, the financial sector is experiencing turmoil due to high inflation and ongoing geopolitical tensions, increasing market instability. Despite central banks raising interest rates, underlying price pressures are still proving stubborn, suggesting a prolonged period of financial strain.


The Impact on Procurement 

These macro-financial changes are placing a new level of pressure on procurement departments. In this context, procurement’s role has evolved significantly.  

The Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) outlined key procurement trends for 2023, emphasizing the need for sustainability, timely payment to suppliers, investment in technology, and talent management. 

Sustainability has become a primary concern, as customers are increasingly sensitive to ‘greenwashing’ and demand more transparency about the environmental impact of their purchases. This trend pushes organizations to ensure sustainable practices in their supply chains and avoid falling foul of regulations. 

The challenging financial environment has led to 36% of businesses extending payment terms for suppliers in the last 12 months. This contributes to a vicious cycle that impacts cash flow and liquidity, emphasizing the need for improved supplier relationships and strategic payment practices. 

Investment in procurement technology solutions is also growing. Companies are seeking more consumer-like, intuitively designed, and agile solutions to improve efficiencies and work with leaner staff. 

Finally, with the predicted economic environment, there’s a new urgency to fostering a company culture and strategic problem-solving to attract and retain talent​3 


Navigating Economic Uncertainty with SAP Ariba 

As predicted by the IMF, the global economic outlook for 2023 presents a complex landscape characterized by financial sector turmoil, high inflation, geopolitical uncertainties, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. In such an environment, businesses need robust, flexible, and intelligent tools to navigate the choppy waters of global commerce. 

With its comprehensive suite of solutions, SAP Ariba is perfectly positioned to help businesses adapt and thrive in these uncertain times. Its intelligent sourcing tool, for instance, allows companies to identify savings opportunities and assess market dynamics, giving them a competitive edge even in challenging conditions.  

As inflation remains high, the ability to efficiently source and manage direct and indirect goods or services within a single platform becomes a crucial advantage, allowing businesses to reduce their time, effort, and risk associated with sourcing events. 


Aligning with Sustainability Trends 

Sustainability is no longer a niche concern; it’s a core business priority. Businesses are increasingly under pressure to demonstrate that their operations and supply chains are sustainable to meet regulatory requirements and appeal to increasingly eco-conscious consumers. 

SAP Ariba’s Supplier Management tool can be a crucial asset. It provides comprehensive tools to help buyers onboard, qualify, segment, and manage supplier performance according to parameters that matter to them. This means businesses can drive spending towards preferred, sustainable suppliers, reduce overall risk, and ensure compliance across their entire supply base. In doing so, companies can turn sustainability from a challenge into an opportunity, bolstering their reputation and gaining a competitive advantage. 


Embracing Technology for Greater Efficiency 

SAP Ariba is at the forefront of the trend toward increased investment in procurement technology. Its suite of solutions embodies a consumer-like, intuitively designed, and agile approach that can significantly improve business efficiencies. For example, the SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration tool automates the direct procurement lifecycle, reducing reliance on emails and spreadsheets, shortening cycle times, and increasing productivity. 

SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing further streamlines the indirect goods and services procurement process. Automating and regulating the management of the entire procurement process helps business leaders eliminate errors and exceptions, manage more spending with less effort, maximize savings and profit margins, and respond flexibly and swiftly to changing demands. 


Winning the Talent War 

In the predicted economic environment, fostering a strong company culture and attracting the right talent will become even more essential. SAP Ariba’s user-friendly, intuitive design is crucial in this regard. It makes procurement tasks more engaging and less cumbersome, improving employee satisfaction and retention. 

Furthermore, the Guided Buying feature of SAP Ariba makes the procurement process more intuitive and compliant, making it easier for employees to adhere to procurement policies and procedures. This enhances the effectiveness of procurement teams, freeing them to focus on strategic problem-solving and relationship management, which are crucial skills in the modern, complex business environment. 

In conclusion, SAP Ariba is a powerful tool that can help businesses navigate the challenging economic conditions predicted for 2023, align their operations with key procurement trends, and drive significant efficiency and cost savings. By leveraging its comprehensive suite of solutions, businesses can position themselves to survive and thrive in the uncertain times ahead. 


In a time of financial restraint and uncertainty, organizations must leverage tools and strategies to help them navigate these challenges. Armed with solutions like SAP Ariba, procurement departments can play a pivotal role in driving cost savings and efficiencies. The time for organizations to act is now – to survive in the current financial climate and thrive in the years to come. 


Contract Trends in 2023

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Contract management is a critical aspect of any organization’s operations, and it’s especially important for executives who are responsible for managing the financial health of their organizations. Effective contract management can help you mitigate risk, increase revenue, and reduce costs, but it can also be a complex and time-consuming process. In this post, we’ll explore the top five pain points that businesses like yours face with regard to contract management, and we’ll provide some best-in-class solutions to help address these challenges. 


Lack of visibility into contract terms and obligations 


One of the biggest challenges with regard to contract management is the lack of visibility into contract terms and obligations. This can result in missed opportunities to save money, increase revenue, or mitigate risk.

Best-in-class solutions for this challenge include contract lifecycle management (CLM) software that centralizes all contracts in a single repository and provides advanced search and reporting capabilities. With CLM software, you and your team can easily access all contract data, including key terms, obligations, and milestones, and they can quickly generate reports to help them make informed decisions. 

According to a report by the International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM), companies implementing CLM software can reduce contract cycle times by 50% and increase compliance by 80%. 


Inefficient contract creation and negotiation processes 


Creating and negotiating contracts can be a time-consuming and inefficient process, especially when done manually.

Best-in-class solutions for this challenge include contract authoring software that streamlines the contract creation process and automates workflows – which can easily help you create contracts using pre-approved templates and standardized language, and automate workflows to ensure that contracts are reviewed and approved in a timely manner. 

 A study by Aberdeen Group found that companies that use contract authoring software can reduce contract cycle times by 50% and increase contract accuracy by 90%. 


Poor contract management workflow and process 


Inefficient workflows and processes for managing contracts can lead to delays, missed deadlines, and increased risk. CLM software can easily manage contract workflows and approvals, as well as receive automated alerts for key contract milestones and renewal dates. 

According to a report by the IACCM, companies that implement CLM software can reduce cycle times by up to 50%, increase compliance by up to 80%, and reduce legal costs by up to 30%. 


Poor contract compliance and governance


According to a study by Forrester, companies that use CLM software can reduce legal costs by up to 30% and increase compliance by up to 70%. 

While contract compliance and governance can be a complex and time-consuming process. Best-in-class solutions for this challenge include CLM software that provides automated compliance and governance workflows, as well as real-time alerts for non-compliant activities. 


Limited scalability and flexibility 


Scalability is a concern for any growing business.  Solutions like SAP Ariba CLM or ICertis CLM software provide scalability and flexibility, as well as customizable workflows and integrations with other business systems. These will ensure your contract management processes can adapt to changing needs, reducing risk and increasing efficiency. 


To learn more about:

Contract management and its impact on procurement click here

Complex contract management solutions click here.


Best Practices to Master Buying and Invoicing

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CFOs and CPOs face numerous challenges when managing to buy and invoicing processes within their organizations. Efficient financial management is crucial to maintain a healthy cash flow, reducing risk, and making data-driven decisions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top ten pain points related to buying and invoicing from a financial perspective, along with best-in-class solutions and supporting statistics.


Manual Invoice Processing

One of the most time-consuming and error-prone aspects of financial management is manual invoice processing. Automating this process with AI-based tools can significantly reduce the time spent on processing invoices and improve accuracy. According to the Institute of Finance and Management (IOFM), organizations that have automated invoice processing report a 60-80% reduction in invoice processing time.


Inaccurate Financial Data and Reporting

Access to accurate, real-time financial data is essential for making informed decisions. Implementing real-time data analytics and reporting tools can help CFOs and CPOs to achieve greater insights and improve decision-making. Companies that use real-time analytics experience a 54% improvement in decision-making speed, according to the Aberdeen Group.


Fraud and Compliance Risks

Fraud and compliance risks can have severe financial and reputational consequences for organizations. Enhancing internal controls with fraud detection and compliance management systems can help mitigate these risks. The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) reports that companies with strong anti-fraud controls can reduce fraud losses by up to 50%.


Decentralized Procurement and Purchasing Processes

A decentralized procurement process can lead to inefficiencies, lack of visibility, and increased costs. Centralizing procurement with a comprehensive, cloud-based procurement platform can streamline operations and reduce expenses. The Hackett Group found that centralized procurement can reduce procurement costs by up to 20%.


Inefficient Vendor Management

Managing vendors effectively is crucial for maintaining strong relationships and ensuring optimal performance. Implementing a vendor management system with automated vendor onboarding and performance tracking can improve the efficiency of this process. Deloitte reports that companies with efficient vendor management experience 26% faster vendor onboarding times.


Lack of Spend Visibility

Gaining granular, real-time insights into spending is essential for cost control and strategic decision-making. Utilizing spend analytics tools can provide CFOs and CPOs with the visibility they need to make informed decisions. Gartner states that organizations that leverage spending analytics can achieve up to 15% cost savings.


High Invoice Error Rates

Invoice errors can lead to payment delays, strained relationships with suppliers, and increased costs. Adopting a smart invoicing system with built-in error detection and prevention can reduce invoice error rates significantly. Ardent Partners found that companies using smart invoicing systems can reduce invoice error rates by up to 37%.


Slow Approval Workflows

Lengthy approval workflows can delay payments and hinder cash flow management. Streamlining approval workflows with automated routing and escalation features can expedite the process. PayStream Advisors report that organizations that automate their approval workflows experience a 45% reduction in approval cycle times.


Difficulty Managing Cash Flow and Working Capital

Effective cash flow management and forecasting are vital for maintaining financial stability. Implementing cash flow management and forecasting tools with real-time visibility can improve accuracy and decision-making. PwC found that companies that use cash flow management tools can improve cash flow forecasting accuracy by up to 36%.


Ineffective Budgeting and Cost Control

Budgeting and cost control are integral to financial success. Adopting an integrated budget management system with real-time tracking and reporting can streamline these processes and provide better insights. The Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF) reports that organizations that implement integrated budget management systems experience a 33% reduction in budgeting cycle times.


By addressing these pain points with best-in-class solutions, CFOs and CPOs can significantly improve their organizations’ financial performance, reduce risk, and enhance decision-making capabilities. These improvements will ultimately lead to a more efficient and effective buying and invoicing process, allowing organizations to thrive in a competitive business environment.

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